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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good Morning ...today we honor a great man who only had Peace & Love in his heart...some should learn from him.
In honor of him do a good deed today..anything.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that" quote from the great MLK
Good morning.

Sic, I wish all that work paid off. Talked to CPA. Need to get a LLC. She says self employed have the worst tax rates in the country. I could be looking at 30-50% tax rate. Ouch!!! I hope not. We will find out soon enough.

Hope you have a great day.

Sunny, 42 for the high. 16 degrees right now.
Good morning everyone. Brrr cold almost everywhere, or soon to be. Snow and down to 0F last night, with more snow predicted this weekend. Hope to get some seeds planted today, just a few varieties right now. Annuums will be done next month.

Chuck, best of luck being self employed. I really think you work harder for your $$, depending on location and product.

Coffee and oatmeal soon. The cold temps are horrible but the snow is beautiful blanketing everything. Have a great day and share some of the joy you find in today.