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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

29° outside everything is covered in about an inch of frost. Suns out for now but supposed to start snowing again.........

Good morning though. Happy Monday to you all but its our Thursday!
Happy March 19th! :) Spring is almost here!!! Yeah! And with it's arrival...we're s'posed to get 4-6" of snow...bleh!

But for now - it's a crisp, sunny morning, so I'm grabbing a cuppa joe and soaking up some sunshine while it's here!

Have a fabulous day Everyone!!!!! :)
Should I start a thread named "Goodnight, to all the people who go to sleep at the but crack of dawn"? GOOD MORNING to all of ya early bird gets the worm....just remember, so does the guy that finishes the bottle of tequila ;) Hope today treat's all of ya right.
Mornin everyone. Thunder kept baby up all night.....she won't be the only one to suffer today =(

3" over night and more coming still.
mornin' all...3+ here too and it's still coming down...I say let it rain and fill the lakes up...
It's after midnight, so an EXTRA-early GOOD MORNING to all!

Will be geeme-ing the leg in the morning - this should be almost as funny as earlier this evening - first time with crutches is actually quite a hoot!
Gemme, take your broken Ankle ass to bed, and slow the hell down!
Good morning to you in the morning... G'night...
Good morning......................it's warm in the house, too early for coffee, too late for a cold one...............hmm