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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning everyone. Thanks for all the *get better* wishes, but this crud is still hanging on for another few days. I am staying away from people so it doesnt spread.

The plant swap on Saturday was enjoyable, I got 2 dwarf tomatoes, a couple of lavender plants, pineapple sage, Sheffield mums, larkspur ( though I have hundreds in the yard right now). Got rid of 42 tomato plants.

Hope your day goes well. Drive safely and stay healthy.
Good morning! The rain/snow will be returning for the next 3 days, a nice time to commiserate. I hope to start hardening off the tomatoes on Mother's Day for 2 weeks, and then the peppers sometime during that period. Weatherwise, it looks horribly wet and windy east of Colorado with lots of wild storms in the South. Not really conducive to planting a garden - yet.
Hope your day goes well. Enjoy the sunshine.
It stopped snowing, then stopped sleeting/raining
Now the clouds are gone, the wind has died down, and it's a bit overcast, but otherwise looking to be a nice day  :think:
Who the heck even knows whats next...
 I know i want to get 1st mowing done before, my yards go all wild with growth from the frequent rains.
I know daytime soil temps have still not even been warm enough for the morels... Yet.   :surprised: 
I know our schedules have been 'FULL' and, while that is a good thing, it has not been good for time working in the gardens.
the frustrating part is when the weather doesn't cooperate either lol
Then you can't even go out and work in the gardens or mow yet because it will be MUD for 2 days after every rain.  :mope:
truth is; this bothers me every year  :neutral:  just to varying degrees...
 It is yet another lesson in patience.
I'll learn to not stress about it each year eventually  :) 
 Any week now, I hope :pray: ...
I'll be posting positive posts, of plants finally outdoors, and ready to maximize their potential  :party:
as of right now @ 11:20 am here, it is; 40°F /5°C 
certainly not in the coldest region of all the growers here on THP... 
but cold enough still, I am wishing i had you more southern growers: weather, even if only for the plants.
i'm craving some roasted hatch chili and manzano soup  :drooling:
recipe/creation, here;
prep pics here;
might have to settle for some Anaheim from the local mercado, and some of my frozen rocotos  :drooling:  
Good morning everyone. 39*H/29*L.  Ya gotta love our spring weather. After Mother's Day they predict the low temps to be in the high 40s.  Time to start hardening the tomatoes who are so tired of the lights and getting gangly.
3-4 inches of snow blanketing the garden, giving much moisture to the garlic and weeds. Mud.
Thanks for the "shaking" Sic, I have had the flu for 8 days that I would not wish on anyone. I could not figure out the statistics for deaths from the flu - thought it must be a mis-diagnosis. Now I know. . . . . This flu crap is nothing to be laughed at. I even forgot to water the baby plants - that are so forgiving.
Anyway - hope you all have a wonderful day despite any problems. Pay it forward.
Good morning, all! Another day of rain here in PA. But the temperatures are creeping up, slowly but surely. Today will be 78/54. Yesterday was 62/54. I suppose the wild swings are the new weather normal. What won't be weird is spending the day at the Herb & Plant Faire at Landis Valley Farm Museum outside of Lancaster with my sister and a couple of girlfriends! She just retired and it's our first outing. Lots of more to come! Have a great day, everyone!