Good morning all
Thank you all for the comments, concern, and well wishes
I've feel been through the wringer over the past week
Ended up in the hospital with Avg. O2 @ 89%, cough, dehydration,etc.
1st day and a half i was in quarantine,until they determined i
DID NOT have Covid
The test...

you not only do not want Covid, you DO NOT want the test even
(how to describe... Well the Nasal swab went deeper than anything i've ever experienced, i swear it felt like they were trying to tickle my brain stem
! Then they did it again on the other side!)
Then 3 more days on IV antibiotics and saline while determining what i do have

(elevated white blood cell count, elevated Lactic acid)
Turns out my Diaphragm on the right side is compressing my lung, but left side is normal !?!
still got a cough, but no loner need supplemental O2
Then if that wasn't bad enough, Lymes flared up and is attacking my nerves

(feet and hands the most, but all my joints hurt too)
Nerve pain is really taking it's toll this time

@ least it's not Covid, and i'm still alive and kickin
Been rainy here, 43F on ts way to 60F this afternoon.
Hope your all healthy and takin it easy
Have a wonderful day
