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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. We walked the mall yesterday, did a bit of shopping, then watched Midsomer Murders. I’m starting to organize seeds to see which ones I need to buy. Not planning on too many superhots this year as I’m sharing part of my CG plot with another gardener. Scaling down is difficult. Prayers for your whole family, Harry, as you go through change. Sic, any idea where you will move? Is family close?

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 28 (-2c) on it way to 52 (11c).  Forecasted to be a nice day but windy.  Moderate meeting schedule today.  Maybe a walk later on.  Catherine .... I've got you covered on the superhots.  I'm tired of the cold and dreary weather.  We're in the doldrums.  I need to start some seeds.  Maybe I'll start some Manzanos this weekend.  Be safe and be good.  
not positive catherine as this could be years away. Last time we talked with our lawyer he just knew there wasnt money in the budget for us at the time. County should have got rid of us a long time ago but they think flooding our property is the more appropriate thing, We want to stay kinda in this area but more rural and wooded. We would build something very small and do lots of traveling. Bike ride this morning and getting truck and trailer ready for a job tomorrow. need to watch my weight the next couple days also, im a solid 5 pounds over what i like. Ive been eating a lot and less cardio and more stretching. Hopefully the weight is some added muscle in my legs. Ill know in a couple days. Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. I got an early phone call this AM from my neighbor. She asked if I'd let her dogs out every 3 hours, every day, for the next month or so. She was just diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, causing a horrible cough. She's starting chemo today. I am very saddened as we bought our houses within a week of each other, and got to know each other very well. Luckily her dogs love me. Harry, thanks for having me covered with the peppers. Change is not comfortable! I need to get into a better gardening mood - a quick trip to buy seeds may help. Harry, all the best to your MIL and her change of venue, too. Sic - CO is a great place to travel to, and get mountain endurance training. . .
Hope your day goes well. Remember those less fortunate, and stay healthy.
Good morning. It's 30 (-1c) on its way to 56 (13c).  The nice WX continues but snow is in the forecast for later in the week.  Very busy work schedule today.  No idea what we've got going later today.  For sure I'll get in a walk. 
Catherine .... sorry to hear about your neighbor's diagnosis.  No worries on the pods.  Unfortunately, my MIL appears to have progressed into the next stage of dementia. 
Be safe, be blessed and be good.    
Have a job today and having sushi for dinner. Pizza for breakfast. I love the west but wouldnt want to be there in the winter Jane. Not tough enough for that. Prayers for your neighbor. Prayers for all of us, we all need them. Have a terrific day and good morning.
Good morning everyone. We have a warm and windy day before more typical January weather. We have a carpenter/painter coming in to fix a hole in the soffit of the house. Damn flickers and weather. Hell be back when its warmer to repair the other holes. Our neighborhood has similar problems. I hear you, Harry, about winter doldrums. Walking in the mall just doesnt replace gardening in the sunshine.

Thanks for the prayers for my neighbor. Im hoping she will fight this and win. Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.
Not much going on today. Ive been sleeping terrible for 2 weeks. Probably had 16 hours of sleep in the last 6 days. When I was younger i had really bad sleep problems,really hope it doesnt start again. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 43 (6c) on its way to 45 (7c).  Today's forecast is for high winds.  Wintry mix tomorrow morning.  Very busy meeting schedule until 3:00.  No idea what else we've got going on. Sic .... Sleep problems suck .... Hopefully you find something that works.  Be safe and be good.        
I managed to get some sleep last night thankfully. Have errands to run today and hopefully get a walk in. Had to have our septic pumped and inspected yesterday, we need a new field. $4200.00  :mope:   Yall have a great day and good morning,
Good morning.  It's 28 (-2c) on its way to 32 (0c).  Snow in progress.  Today is a day off for me.  I'll do some office work and then I have one mid morning meeting.  It will be a long weekend .... we have Monday off.  Not sure what we've got going on today.  I've got to make a Post Office run either today or tomorrow. 
Our daughter is coming to visit on Sunday.  She lives in Kansas City.  We haven't seen her in many months.  I will be masked up. 
I grilled the last 2 evenings.  Salmon on Wednesday and Ribeyes last night.  I think I heard my wife say that she's going to rotisserie a chicken today.  
Sic .... good to hear about the sleep.  No septic issues here .... "knocking on my wooden head".  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Sunny and colder. I cleaned out a few cabinets and trinkets in the living room where they seem to collect. Think I will keep 1/3 of them and donate the rest. Got rid of 5 boxes of stuff from the basement, now to organize it all. Seed hunting at a local nursery and Costco this AM. Sic - glad to hear your sleep is improving.

Time for breakfast, Harry’s salmon would fit nicely into our burritos. Alas, it will be the usual turkey. Enjoy your day and stay safe.
Finally was able to get up to the shop and put new aero bars on my road bike. Hoping to ride today but its not going to get out of the 50s and no son. Might just walk? Couple chores and thats it for the day. Will just chill with my bride later. Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 28 (-2c) on its way to 33 (1c).  Cold and windy.  The snow has stopped.  Post office run and maybe a trip to liquor store this morning.  Not much else happening.  Started 4 each Orange, Red, Yellow manzanos yesterday.  My seeds are old .... we'll see if anything pops.  I only need one of each color.  Maybe a walk later.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.
Good morning. Dry and cold here, snow in the mtns. Fire season has started early with one in northeast CO. Last year had the worst fires I had ever seen. Hope for rain or snow. Yesterday I bought most of the seeds for the gardens, extras for others. I wish they would have more selection this early in the season. Nothing much on the docket for today.

Enjoy your day and stay safe. Special thoughts to those battling Covid.
really want to ride but no sun and only in the 50,s is no good for me. Not positive whats going on today? Hope whatever yall do its awesome. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 20 (-7c) on its way to 38 (3c).  Not much going on today.  Probably watch some futbol matches this morning.  Our daughter is coming out this afternoon to eat and watch the Chiefs game.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Cloudy and cold, probably a dusting of snow tomorrow. A quick trip to the mall is on the agenda, looking for shoes for hubby. Netflix and hot soup are the highlight of the day. Have a wonderful day, find joy and laughter wherever you can, especially this week. S.M.I.L.E, thanks to GIP.
Good morning. Chilly this morning at 31 headed to 61. Taking my girlfriend to the foot doctor for another round of cortisone shots. Though shes going to ask for oral medication because the shots make her feel crazy. Then taking Ozey to the aquarium for our first educational field trip. Hope y'all have a great day.