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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning.  It's 46 (8c) on its way to nowhere.  Rain in the forecast all day.  Good day to pull the vehicles outside for a redneck carwash.  Going to finish cleaning the seed starting supplies and transplant pots.  Getting seeds pulled today too.  It's 2 weeks away from germination Saturday.  Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  
Good morning. It’s cloudy but rarely do we get rain. 40*temps, with the ground is still frozen. We are looking into buying 1/2 cow - Wagyu. $$$$$, but with others, it may be an OK deal. Their hamburgers are delicious. i have all my seeds ready but have the soil outside to freeze the eggs. One year I bought soil off the shelf and fought the bugs for a month. Live and learn.

Have a great weekend and stay healthy.
Wagyu, nice Catherine big baller,lol. Small mulch job today then have several chores out back. Leaving wednesday to Tennessee for a mushroom cultivation class. Ill be learning a months worth of info in two day. Ive been studying for a couple months so I at least know the lingo. Going to obviously turn it into a little vacation and see some family. Have to tow my trailer as my sister is sending me home with my very first mower when I had my first lawn business over 20 years ago. Her husband has totally refurbished it, including brand new motor. It looks like it belongs on the showroom, I feel very blessed this is going to be a valuable trip. Its a classic john deere walk behind thats going to look good in my fleet. Hope yall have a awesome and groovy day. Bless up, love and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 30(-1c) on its way to 33 (1c) and the wind is howling.  I've got some office work to do this morning then I'll probably mess with the seed starting stuff.  My MIL is in hospice now.  My wife is going up to sit with her today.  
Catherine .... we buy 1/2 a cow every other year but we've never bought Wagyu .... that's some good stuff!
Sic ..... cool adventure planned.  Nice on the mower.  
Be safe and be good.  S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning. Prayers for your wife and MIL, Harry. Nice to have family care. Sic - just ask Harry about mushrooms. You two can help each other with the language - mushroom dealers. Re:the Wagyu beef, my daughter has connections through work. We will see how much this luxury costs and how many pounds I will be able to have. We bought 1/3 of a regular cow a few years back and still have hamburger in the freezer.

Have a wonderful vacation to TN, Sic. Nice to be traveling and see family.

Enjoy your day and find the beauty in the earth.
Thanks and will for sure need to exchange growing tips with ya Harry. Next two days before leaving are going to be cold and windy, get us ready for north. lots of errands to do today. Hopefully get a small walk in. Not going to be riding for the next 10 or so days so thats totally going to suck. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 28 (-2c) on its way to 37 (3c).  Busy schedule today.  Later this morning, I'm going to our local warehouse (about 25 miles north of here) for some meetings through early afternoon.  While up there, I'll probably pick up some BBQ for this evening.  My wife is headed back up to sit with her Mom for most of the day.  That's about it. 
Sic .... I'm not much of mushroom grower but more of a wild mushroom hunter.  
Be safe, be blessed and be good.  
Good morning. Happy February. Don’t forget a special valentine for your loved ones. I hope to start a few peppers today, then annuums in 2 weeks or so. Not much else is going on here, waiting for warmer temps.

Have a wonderful day. Keep loved ones close.
Good morning. Had a great night with the wife last night. Lots to do today,leaving very early tomorrow, hopefully. Yall have a great day and good morning. 
p.s.  Probably will be hit and miss with me checking in for the next week. Leaving out earl in the morning so yall be cool and keep us in your prayers for safety,
Good morning.  It's 25 (-4c) on it its way to 45 (7c).  A couple nice weather days today and tomorrow .... then back into the deep freeze for the weekend.  Busy schedule today and preparing for reviews tomorrow.  My sister started feeling bad over the weekend.  She got COVID tested yesterday.  Problem is .... she was at our place last Friday.  Hopefully all is negative.  Our grandson was here for a few hours yesterday.  Not much else going on.  Be safe and be good.  S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning. I’m glad we don’t live in the snow belt NorthEast. It sounds like they shut down a few activities, even in Boston, where the hardy souls thrive. The weather here is warmer, then colder and snow soon. Prayers for Sic for a safe return from his trip. Also prayers for Harry’s family and the Covid scare. We have a few errands today, not much on the docket. I see many places with Girl Scout cookies stands.

I hope your day goes well. Stay safe and healthy. Remember those less fortunate.
Good morning.  It's 29 (-2c) on its way to 54 (12c).  Nice today then winter returns this weekend with the daytime highs forecasted to be around 15 (-9c).  Very busy schedule today.  No word yet from my sister on her COVID test.  Thanks for the thoughts Catherine.  Sic .... have a great trip.  Not sure what we've going on later.  Maybe a walk and my wife mentioned stuffed peppers for dinner.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  
Good morning. I’m taking a friend to Costco for a few groceries. It should be a good outing for her and a little walk for me. I’m getting baby stuff organized for tomorrow’s putting together layettes for a nonprofit. We only do 10/month, but there’s lots to add to their bag.

I hope your day goes well. Stay healthy. Prayers for travelers.
Good morning.  It's 44 (7c) on its way down to 26 (-3c).  Light rain changing to snow with a howling north wind. Our coldest temperatures of the winter are forecasted for later in the weekend and early next week.  Super busy work schedule today.  Solid meetings from 8:00-3:00. My wife will be spending the day with her mother at the hospice. Not sure what we've going on later.  My sister's COVID test came back negative.  That's good news.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Glad to hear Harry’s sister’s Covid test was negative. Food drive and layettes this AM, then delivery of the baby stuff. Colder, but no snow yet.

I hope your day goes well. Stay healthy and keep loved ones close.
Good morning.  It's 24 (-4c) on its way to 44 (7c).  Meetings until mid morning then taking the rest of the day off.  My wife will be at the hospice with her Mom.  I'll probably mess around in the grow room this afternoon.  I've still got some work to do to get everything ready for germination.  Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.  S.M.I.L.E.  
Good morning. It's 18 (-8c) on its way 27 (-3c) and snowing. My MIL passed away early this morning..... so plans are up in the air. I'll watch the morning matches then who knows.  I'll probably work in the grow room sometime today. Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. So sad to hear of Harry’s family loss. Condolences and blessings for everyone, especially your wife. Not too much is planned for today. We walked the mall last night, seeing few people- which is unusual for a Friday night. So many spaces for rent in the mall. Time for oatmeal.

I hope you have a blessed day. Remember those less fortunate and stay healthy.