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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It’s 33*F with drizzle, just waiting for the predicted storm. I only have one errand to run, and we are set for the weekend. The grocery shelves were looking pretty bare yesterday, with lots of shoppers. Crazy. Looking forward to baking this weekend while we’re inside. Harry - glad you found more pots. How many trays have you planted? Sic - are you growing stuff right now?

I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy.
We are growing. We have one garden full of different lettuces and spices, tomatoes and other things. Shade house full of 3 year old pepper plants. Green house full of cacti, succulbents , pepper seedlings and lots of other stuff. Another garden is going in just slow on the progress. 
 Bike ride for us this morning then fixing fence. Got wrapped up with other work yesterday so fence waits till today. Just kept horse in the party pasture and his stable. Beans and pork with homemade salsa for breakfast. Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 40 (4c) and raining on its way to 55 (13c).  Sic .... you've got a lot going on.  Not much going on here.  I'm going to get a tray of tomatillos starting sometime this weekend.  Still looking for the last of our potatoes to arrive.  Probably watch some futbol this morning and hockey later on.  If the rain stops, I might grill this evening.  I've got a "to do" list with damn near 100 items on it.  I guess there's plenty on the list to keep me busy.  Beverages later on.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. 36*F and cloudy, no snow yet. Glad to hear Sic and his wife are busy gardening besides working with other chores. Harry is just as ambitious with more plants in the plan. We’re making chili and enjoying Netflix this weekend. Yesterday I made a quick grocery run for a friend - so nice to see and talk with her.

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy. Enjoy your blessings.
Good morning.  It's 52 (11c) on its way to nowhere.  Very windy with torrential rain forecasted to arrive in a couple of hours.  Hopefully no flooding.  Got a tray of tomatillos started yesterday.  I'll have more tomatoes to transplant by mid week. Big breakfast in a little while.  Not much else is going on today.   Be safe, be blessed and be good.  S.M.I.L.E. 
Good morning. Snowing with extra ice and very windy, so we’re still hunkering at home. Daughter came over to share some T-bone steaks and Hamburg so we will make a small pot of chili today. They closed I-70 last night plus a few arteries to get to the mountains. I’m glad most of the nurseries haven’t displayed their plants outside yet. Even my spring bulbs have yet to show.

I hope your day goes well. Stay healthy and share your blessings.
Good morning.  It's 44 (7c) on its way to 59 (15).  No rain in the forecast for today and much lower winds.  Our grandson turned 4 yesterday.  My wife went over there for a bit.  Our daughter's birthday is this week and I heard that she might be visiting one of these evenings.  Light meeting schedule today.  I get vaccine shot #1 on Wednesday.  Looks like we should be able to plant potatoes this coming weekend .... if the last of my seed potatoes arrive.   Helping my sister to get her plants started for her garden.  I wonder if she'll stick with it.  Other than that, not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.  
Well yesterday was crazy. Some cowboy was tresspassing telling me I was a crackhead and he would kill me. This is infront of a sherriff that did nothing about it. This place is deep ol skool god ol boy. Not verry happy and not sure what im going to do about it? Yall have  a great day and good morning.
Good morning. 19*F. The sun is shining, glistening off the 2’ of heavy snow that graced us this weekend. Shoveling is the only big chore we have planned for today. Happy birthday to Harry’s family. March is a good month for birthdays .

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 44 (7c) on its way to 60 (16c).  No rain, wind or storms in the forecast.  Severe thunderstorms rolled through our area late yesterday afternoon/evening.  One of the cells flew right over us and dropped a tornado just to the northeast of us.  20+ rural homes and outbuildings were damaged.  No injuries were reported.  We spent about an hour hiding out in the basement .... got caught up on some work in the grow room  :cool: !  
Moderate meeting schedule today.  A buddy asked me to start some tomatoes for him.  Of course, he wants some varieties that I had no plan to start.  Looks to be around 10 varieties.  I do have the seed.  I'll try to get another tray going this afternoon.  
Our daughter is coming down from Kansas City on St. Patty's day (her birthday) to hang out.  Not much else happening.  Be safe and be good.  
off to the stables to mow then we have a porch we are painting. When we are done we have to go fix fence again as horse ran through it again. Still very upset about cowboy but nothing I can do. Make a complaint and all they would do is talk to dude then what? He is a spoiled man boy from one of the biggest families in Dade City. Several ranches and the father is a huge lawyer that gives people loans that are down on there luck then ends up taking there property  when they cant pay anymore. Our ag police bend over for these people. Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Shoveling yesterday wore us out! Today I’m watching my neighbors dogs, then maybe a grocery store run. Harry, that tornado sounds so very scary, don’t think we’ve ever had that much wind around here. We just get pelted with hail . . . and snow this year.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the bounties of the earth.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.  Good morning.  It's 39 (4c) on its way to 48 (9c).  Heavy T Storms in progress.  The forecast is for rain and T Storms all day.  Today is our daughter's birthday.  I've got a very busy meeting schedule.  I get my COVID vaccine shot #1 today.  Need to transplant tomatoes later this afternoon.  Not much else happening.  Be safe and be good.  
Bike ride then going to finish porch we are painting. Got to finish as rain comes in tomorrow night. Yall be cool today and bless up. Good morning.
Good morning and happy St. Paddy’s Day. Happy bday to Harry’s daughter. I’m starting broccoli today, good day to remember to plant it. We got a bit more snow yesterday so the temps are cooler than ‘normal’.

Enjoy your day and keep loved ones safe.

Congrats to Harry on his Covid shot. Let us know which one they give you.
Good morning.  It's 34 (1c) on its way to 44 (7c).  It's crazy howling windy and snowing.  Got the Moderna COVID shot #1 yesterday .... next one in 4 weeks.  No problems.  My arm is a little tender around the injection site .... kind of like a tetanus shot.  Very efficient operation.  From the time of arrival to exiting the building was 20 minutes.  15 minutes of that was the wait period after the shot to see if I was going to have an adverse reaction. 
Got more tomatoes potted up yesterday.  We're up to 400+ plants between the peppers and tomatoes.  I wish some of you lived closer to me ..... I'd hook you up with plants.  We're excited about the tomatoes this year.  We're growing many "old" heirlooms that we haven't grown in a long time.
Our grandson will be here this evening and our grand daughter will be here tomorrow evening through Sunday evening.  We'll be busy.  Targeting planting potatoes on Sunday.  Did a walkthrough in the garden .... there's lots of volunteer leaf lettuce coming up.  It's amazing how tough it is.  I ordered a fire table and an outdoor refrigerator for the screened in porch.  I'll have to pick those up this evening or tomorrow. 
Very busy work schedule today.  The schedule is jammed from 7-3.  Not much else going on.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  S.M.I.L.E.
I just wish your seed pack would have arrived Harry, really just wish we knew what happened to it. Been eating lots of fresh herbs from Jane and have cucumbers, green beans and heirloom squash coming up in the garden from the same stash. Enjoy the outdoor room Harry, we cant have things like that we just have to find a shade tree which doesnt help in the middle of the summer,lol. Im headed to the stables to mow and Sonya is going to wrap up the porch job. We got behind yesterday on several notes. Hopefully we can work in the new garden this afternoon/evening. Supposed to have a little rain this evening. We crocked potted a pork shoulder yesterday and made sandwiches. Homemade slaw on the bottom, pork, pickel then top it with zesty italian dressing. Amazing! Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Yes, Harry, I wish we lived closer to share your amazing plants - your KS soil is also amazing. Sounds like Sic and his wife are enjoying their gardens too. We are bringing a friend to Costco this AM to do her monthly shopping. She lost her husband 2 years ago and doesn’t drive. It will be a nice outing for all of us. Sic - your meals of pork and homemade slaw sound delicious.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. Stay safe and wear those masks.
Good morning.  It's 33 (1c) on its way to 52 (11c).  The forecast is for a nice day.  Yesterday was my one year anniversary of "working from home". I can't imagine ever working from the office again. Busy work schedule until 1:00 PM today.  I'll probably shut down shortly after that.  Both of the grandkids will be here starting this evening through Sunday morning.  I'll have to put them to work .....  :lol: !  There's plenty on the "to do" list.  Sic ..... that crock potted pork shoulder sounds great!  I need to smoke a pork butt.  I've also got a hankering for a pot roast .... maybe the boss will consider a menu request.  Beverages and hockey this evening.  Be safe and be good.  