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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Long day yesterday driving to pick up the meat. Everything was shrink wrapped, frozen, and ready to travel. And it all fits in daughter’s new freezer. We found out they average 120 bison a day in addition to others. Then we drove out to see this ranchers cattle, during calving season, and saw one being born. Glad that’s over. So - I watched the first part of your movie, but didn’t like the he language so I didn’t see the ending. Plus I really didn’t like the evil lady ! !

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 49 (9c) on its way to 49 (9c).  LOL.  Need to finish up the transplanting for this weekend.  I've also got some office work to do sometime today.  Not much else is happening.  My wife spent the night at one of her sisters.  They had the "Girls Margarita Night".  Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Sunny and in the 20's for now, with a warmup this whole week. Soup is planned for today, but we have extra errands so that may wait until tomorrow. This time will be chicken based because I have all the meat, etc. Next time will be with the Wagyu soup bones that have a lot of meat. 
Have a great day and share your blessings.
Good morning.  It's 22 (-6c) on its way to 52 (11c).  Transplanted 90 chinenses yesterday.  Around 100/day is a good pace for me.  I need to transplant a few more as well as my first batch of tomatoes.  Moderate meeting schedule today.  Not sure what my wife has going on.  Maybe take a walk later.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  
Good morning. Happy March! Not too much going on today, just finishing 2 pots of soup for the freezer. Hopefully we can get a walk in this afternoon. Harry - you are a very ambitious guy with so many peppers transplanted already. All the best for a great gardening season.

Have a wonderful day and share your blessings. S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning.  It's 27 (-3c) on its way to 57 (14c).  Moderate meeting schedule today.  Transplanted 72 tomatoes late yesterday.  Got a few more chinense peppers and a few more tomatoes to transplant today.  By this weekend, the annuums should be ready to transplant.  Keeping busy.  In a couple of weeks it will be time to plant potatoes.  Not much else going on.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. It’s a beautiful sunny day to melt the rest of the snow. Dinner last night at a Mongolian restaurant to celebrate daughter’s birthday. Great food per usual. They all came back to our house to pick up soup and banana bread. Plans were made for another birthday next weekend.

I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning  It's 40 (4c) on its way to 70 (21c).  Very nice Winter WX .... especially when compared to a couple of weeks ago.  Busy work schedule today.  Got lots of nice peppers and tomatoes going.  This year, I'm growing out a bunch of fabulous heirloom tomato seed.  Many varieties that I haven't grown in years.  The seed is old and we'll see what we get but so far so good.  I'll post grow lists on my Glog.  Getting prepared to have the grandkids for the weekend.  That's about it.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  
Good morning. Sunny and warmer, though the snow still lingers . . . Shopping this AM, then getting more ready for seedlings - I need a new timer for the lights, any excuse to peruse the gardening section of stores to see if anything is new or wanted. We’re having a quick burrito for breakfast then on our way. Have a wonderful day and stay safe. Share your blessings.
Yesterday went off the wall. Got on walk to be called by a buddy needing me to go to a couple nurseries. We had lunch at Hooters. Pressure cooking some grain for mushroom inoculation today. Also buddy is coming over to make sure wiring is correct on water heater before I turn it on. Wife is taking some  cards for her pet paintings she does to a couple of the over 55  trailer parks. Not much else going on as Ill be busy with pressure cooking. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 37 (3c) on its way to 72 (22c).  Very nice WX.  Slammed meeting schedule.  Nine meetings on the calendar from 8:00 until 3:00.  Serviced the mower yesterday and had to replace an idler pulley ... it's always something.  It's been a good mower. It's 15 years old and only has 1400 hours on it.  I should be good to go once mowing season starts in 6 weeks or so.  Got more peppers and tomatoes to transplant and it looks like we're going to have to do it late this afternoon or sometime tomorrow morning/early afternoon.  Not sure what else is going on today.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning. Hoping for rain tonight. We drove by small reservoirs around the area and noticed the amount of water they were lacking. If we don’t get more rain/snow we will be put on water restrictions again. I remember one year everyone had a brown lawn and we could only water the garden by hand. Soaker hoses work great. We make Layettes this AM for distribution to the needy. The rest of the day is uncharted. Have a wonderful day and stay healthy

Sic - do you have hot water yet?
Good morning.  It's 44 (7c) on its way to 56 (13c).  Cooling off a little.  I'm planning on working in the office until noon today.  After that I've got 3 trays of tomatoes to transplant .... then I'll be done with transplanting for a few days.  The grandkids will be here this evening.  Not sure what else we've got going on.  Yesterday, I saw my wife outside cleaning up the landscaping around the house .... maybe she's got plans to continue that today.  Grilling and beverages later.  Be safe and be good.
Yes we do have hot water, everything got replaced and its working again. Wife started a small job at a horse barn today, Im probably also going to be. Its from 6-9 in the am. Easy gig. We have to go to neighbours and pick up sticks today, payback for her watching our horse and cats while we went to TN. My aunt that is old and lots of health problems is in the hospital with covid in up state NY.  Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Oatmeal breakfast and then we’re taking our friend to the doctor. She seems to be in denial of the doctor’s prognosis, but we keep her happy. My garlic is still under mulch and has only a few sprout that I could see - maybe the warmer temps this coming week will help. The ground is still frozen under the mulch. Have a great day ahead and stay healthy. Remember those less fortunate.
Aunt got to go home last night so thats good. We are getting a walk in then have errands to run. Wife is going to work on taxes and im going to bike shop this afternoon. I got the job mowing for the horse ranch around the corner, so that will be steady extra money for the summer. Hope everyone has a great day and good morning.