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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning.  It's 67 (19c) on its way to 76 (24c).  It's forecasted to be partly cloudy and pleasant until this evening when the T Storms roll back in.  Everything is still very wet (lots of standing water) and the rain looks like it will keep going through Thursday.  Out in the garden, everything is water logged.  We need some sun!  It's been great weather for lettuce .... I am inundated with it, radishes and onions.  
I've got a short work week planned.  I'm only going to work today and tomorrow and then I'll have a long 6 day weekend.  I've got a list of chores/projects planned.  I think we'll have the grandkids Friday-Sunday.  Busy work schedule today.  Leaving mid morning to head up to our local warehouse for meetings.  Not sure what else we've going on today.  Grilling chicken this evening. Be safe, be blessed and be good.  S.M.I.L.E.  
Good morning. We have a few drier days ahead, so the garden(s) will be slowly planted by next weekend. Today the CG will get the tomatoes planted and maybe some beets. It’s just nice to be outside and hear the birds. The CG gardeners are starting to bring their gardens back to life, a bit of normalcy returns.

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy. Stay hydrated. Thought to dragonsfire and his weather.
Good morning.  It's 66 (19c) on its way to 78 (26c).  Morning showers are in progress.  T Storms ae forecasted for this afternoon.  We have set the record for the most consecutive rain days.  No end in sight until Friday (maybe).  Moderately busy meeting schedule. Today is my Friday!  My wife is entertaining our 4 year grandson. Apparently the kids are now out of school for the summer.  Not sure what I've got going later on.  I need to replace several pepper plants that drowned from all of the rain .... but I think I should wait until the rain actually stops. Grilling and beverages this evening.  That's about it.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Well wishes for the Sic duo. Stay rested and hydrated. Very busy day yesterday, planted tomatoes in CG and at home. I can be very fussy about how I plant tomatoes wrt fertilizer, compost, etc. also cages, sunscreen fabric (to ward off sun and hail). My helper was a trooper and I think he learned something. He is truly not a gardener, but I appreciate all he is doing. I hoping to plant a few peppers in pots today, between chores and responsibilities. Sorry about your rainy day record, Harry.

Have a beautiful day and share your joys with others.
Good morning. Sunny w/temps in the 50F-70F range. We accepted a new gardener into the CG last night, though he is a seasoned gardener. Today looks busy in the gardens with hopefully getting most seeds planted. Too many interruptions have thwarted my plans.

Enjoy your day, stay healthy, and share your bounties with friends and family.
Good morning.  I slept in a little since I'm technically on vacation.  It's 70 (21c) on its way to 85 (29c).  Yesterday, I was able to mow in-between storms.  Today I'm trimming and then working in the garden.  Everything remains soggy.  Severe weather is forecasted for tonight and tomorrow evening.  Tornadoes, hail and the whole package.  Normal May weather for Northeastern Kansas!  Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. It looks like a beautiful day for being outside. The irises are beginning to open and show their beauty. More peppers to plant, flowers and veggies to seed. We are supposed to have rain during the 3-day weekend, so best to plant everything soon.

Enjoy your day and stay healthy. Thank someone in the military this week. S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning.  It's 68 on its way to 80.  Severe storms in progress.  I can see lots of damage.  I see blown over apple trees and I can see our hot tub cover out in the yard.  I guess I'll be working on storm damage cleanup today.  I need to check the roof once it stops.  The forecast is for more severe storms this evening with tornadoes.  It's all part of living in Oz.  Be safe and be good.  
Harry, so sorry to hear of your storm damage. Ive been watching the Midwest weather patterns, hoping they stay clear of Kentucky/Tennessee where we have family. It looks like Kansas and eastern CO are bearing the brunt of the fury. Stay safe.
Update:  The apple trees are blown over and not broken .... just a combination of the high winds and saturated ground in the orchard.  Once it dries out I can use the truck or tractor to pull the trees up and hopefully get them restaked.  I've hauled as much tree debris as I can to the burn pile.  No noticable roof damage.  The hot tub cover and all the other stuff has been retrieved.  There's a flash flood in progress as the creek 1/2 mile to east is out of its banks. It would be nice if we won't have to deal with that. I haven't ventured out in the other directions but I suspect we are currently on an island.  We're bracing for the next round of severe storms this evening.  Hopefully we don't get much convective activity this afternoon to fuel the supercells that will fire up when the front comes through.  There's a lot of gulf moisture feeding up south of the front.  Maybe the nasty stuff will stay south.  It's 71, cloudy and breezy right now.  It's May in Northeast Kansas.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning.  It's 57 on it's way to 59.  Big change in the weather.  It's much cooler and cloudy with no rain.  The severe storms did not materialize last evening.  Must have been because I broke out the special hooch.  I need things to dry out and then I can get those apple trees upright.  Not sure what we've going on today.  The grandkids will be here this evening through Sunday.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. I got lots of planting done yesterday at home, hope to finish at the CG today with plants and seeds. Rain is expected for the next 3 days, hopefully nothing like Harry’s storms. Prayers for a return to normalcy for eastern Kansas. The iris are in bloom with new colors and scents. It looks like a beautiful Friday.

Enjoy your day and find something to be thankful for.
Good morning,

First heavy rain last nigh & this morning, since planting. So far, my plot is off to a good start. Most plants look healthy and are growing vigorously. Three have been separated due to,issues. One with leaves thin in places and the other two with black spot. I wasn't sure for a while if it was a nutrient issue, but I'm pretty sure two are infected and possibly the third. Colder temps the next three days, so I'm treating with sulfur (1tsp/gallon of water sprayed).

Take care.