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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. 2*F up to 20’s, with snow ending soon. Not much accumulation of snow, and the weather person is predicting 60*F temps next week. Crazy pattern. Sic- those minis are beautiful, with lots of detail. Are they characters from a game? We made ‘Santa Fe’ soup for the overnight crock pot that smells yummy, with last year’s not hot chiles added for extra flavor. Harry - sounds like you have a busy weekend.
Enjoy today and stay healthy.
There just random characters. The two dudes are both human cleric and the girls are human fighters. just different poses. Ive got Orcs, wizards, ghouls, elfs, bar maids, ect ect left to paint. You can get anything though. People even make there own with 3d printers. Ive seen anything you can think of.
Good morning. It's drizzling and 32F, on its way to 33F. Supposed to spit rain, sleet and maybe a snow flake all day today. Good day to stay inside. Need to work on some hot sauce labels - maybe today! Have a great day and be safe out there.
Good morning. It's 0 (-18c) on its way to 20 (-7c). Blanket of snow on the ground. Great day to go pick up the new boat! Our grandson is still here. An unfortunate and long story. Not much else is going on today. Seed starting tomorrow. I might hold off grilling tonight. It's cold outside. Maybe modified cheap pizzas this evening. Beverages later. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Nice to see sunshine, even with the blanket of snow. We did lots of shopping yesterday though most of the streets and parking lots were slushy. Prices in the stores have jumped an average of 20%, just waiting for gas to do the same. A buffet birthday lunch is planned, but who knows (?). We may just have soup and cookies.
Enjoy your day and know you are blessed.
Its partly sunny and breezy, 43F on its way to 52F. Got quite a bit of ice yesterday. It melted overnight and now there's standing water everywhere. Trip planned to the grocery today - don't know what else yet. Might need a pic of this new boat! Have a great day and be safe out there. Good morning.
Its partly sunny and breezy, 43F on its way to 52F. Got quite a bit of ice yesterday. It melted overnight and now there's standing water everywhere. Trip planned to the grocery today - don't know what else yet. Might need a pic of this new boat! Have a great day and be safe out there. Good morning.
Nice boat, great present for yourself. was supposed to be riding my bike to our DnD game this morning. Im not doing a thing. My DVT started acting up yesterday and the night has been miserable. I imagine today is goint to suck as im in a lot of pain. Putting a movie on and chilling. Be awesome and nice, good morning.
Good morning. It's 10 on its way to 35 and sunny. That boat is my retirement gift to myself (and my fishing buddies too!) Sic ... Sorry to hear about your DVT flare up .... I am afflicted with that same ailment every 6 months or so. Researching Garmin chartplotter electronics with a couple of buddies (I have contacts at Garmin and their headquarters is just 15 miles from here). I also need to get all of the safety gear for the boat. Indeed, stores prices have really jumped. Our grandson was finally picked up by his momma last evening. Starting my chinense seed today too. Fairly busy day. Grilling and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's overcast and 34F, heading to 45F. It's the BIL's birthday. Taking him out for a late breakfast. Sorry to hear about your DVT Sic. Hope you feel better soon. Harry - nice looking boat! Bass Tracker makes a good product. Of course you know what they say - a boat is a hole in the the water into which you constantly throw money lol. What is that? 18ft? Have a great day and be safe out there.
Good morning. Sunny w/temps in the 20’s. Sic- are you talking about a DVT in your leg? If so, be really careful. Medicine? Tests? Not much going on today, but we gorged on a wonderful buffet yesterday and I’m paying the price today. Need to walk it off. Harry, very nice retirement gift. I’m sure all your fishing buddies will appreciate your trips together.
Have a wonderful day and know you are blessed.
Its my stomach Catherine, i actually dont know how to spell it,lol. Its pockets in my colon that food gets caught in and its terrible painful. i believe I broke my fever but still pretty sore. Will just relax again today. this is my second time and its the worse consistent pain ive ever been through and Ive done a lot of stupid things that have ended up with lots of pain. Problem with this is it just doesnt stop. Anyways, yall be good and enjoy your day. Have great adventures and good morning.
Good morning. It's 20 on its way to 50. Diverticulitis (DVT). I have the same thing. Very uncomfortable until it finally runs its course. It usually lasts 3-5 days. I've had maybe a dozen flare ups. I can control it with fiber and diet but that's no fun. I forget about it and eat a bunch of junk and pay for it later. A heat pad helps sometimes. I didn't get my chinenses started yesterday so I'll do that today. Not much else is going on today. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's currently sunny and breezy, 42F on its way to 51F. Sic - it hurts just to hear you describe your DVT. I hope it passes as quickly as possible buddy. Ended up taking the BIL to Luray Caverns for his birthday. Come to find out, old people should think twice about walking underground for over a mile lol. Today I'm also going to start chinense seeds, at least that's the plan right now. Have a good day and be safe out there.
Good morning. It's 25 (-4c) on its way to 65 (18c). Starting a week of unseasonably warm WX. Finally got my chinenses started yesterday. Another week or two and I'll start the annuums and tomatoes. Potato planting is in a couple of weeks too. Worked on my mower yesterday getting it ready for mowing season. Light meeting schedule today. I might make a trip to get the boat licensed today. Not much else going on. Be safe and be good.
thanks for all the well wishes, feel pretty good today. Very mild pain but I can get back to normal. Going for a small walk with the wife then I need to grease my weedeaters and other hand helds. Change blades on a mower and mow our property. Work is going to be picking up soon, this week already has more than I want ,lol. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Nice weather for the week, March is coming in like a lamb and melting much of the snow on the lawn. Monday errands, coffee, and dentist are on today’s docket. Glad you’re feeling better, Sic. It’s time to check out the CG as soon as the snow melts and see how the garlic is faring. There are so many leaves as mulch on my end of the garden because of high winds, it’s time to move them some time this week.
Enjoy your day and please stay healthy.