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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Another sunny, breezy day. Currently 41F on its way to 48F. Also got the chinense seeds planted yesterday. Seems we're on the same schedule Harry. Have an errand or two to run this morning. Taking BIL to Dr. appt this afternoon. Don't know what else might be planned. Have a great day and be safe out there.
Good morning. It's 35 (2c) on its way to 75 (24c). I know .... it's crazy. Short pants and flip flops .... just like Sic. Busy meeting schedule today. Finally, my last seed order arrived yesterday. I am good to go except for seed potatoes and onion sets. I need to get those this weekend. Finished working on my mower last evening. Grilled some steaks after that. Looks like I'll be grilling pork chops this evening. Not much else is going. I bet my wife will be working outside today while I'm in the basement office :banghead:. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Warm 60*F temps today but the snow hasn’t melted from the CG yet, hopefully it will be gone before more predicted snow this weekend. Today is daughter’s birthday, so we’ll celebrate at a downtown restaurant w/her work buddies. The pepper sprouts are doing pretty well, way too many for me, but I know a few people who will grow the extras.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. Overcast and 42F, heading to 59F. ALMOST shorts and flips ha! Need to re-fill the bird feeders and birdbath. Its almost a daily occurrence. Come on Spring! Not sure what's planned for the day. Still need to figure out what else I'm growing this year. Have a good day and enjoy the nice weather!
Good morning. It's 45 (7c) on its way to 80 (27c). Just ridiculous. My meeting schedule is light today. Grilled pork chops last evening and after that I replaced the guts in the master toilet. I need to check the hot tub chemistry today. I also need to get the next batch of seeds ready to start this coming weekend. Grilling sausages this evening and having a few beverages. Be safe, be blessed and be good.
Riding with a buddy this morning then headed up to the shop for a couple beers. thats it thats my day. Lay on the couch with my wife this evening and fall asleep watching a movie, Its hard being this stress free,lol. Oh the Piper is coming and he wants his payment and he gets it every summer. Yall be good and have a great day good morning.
Good Morning! Looks like a really nice day coming up. It's sunny and 39F, on its way to 63F. Need to do some maintenance work on the mower deck. Also, some dead trees need to be dropped and dragged down to the burn pile. Can't burn them of course - we're in the middle of our annual burn ban 2/01 - 4/30. It's been in place for years. Evidently the farmers used to clear land in the Spring and burn it, which usually set the forest on fire, lol. Be good and have a great day!
Good morning. Thanks for daughter’s birthday greeting. It was nice to see/meet daughter’s co-workers and share great appetizers with everyone. Not much going on today though we may take the light rail downtown and visit a favorite restaurant we haven’t seen for almost 2 years. Still waiting for the snow to melt at the CG - I’m just getting impatient.
Have a wonderful day. Enjoy earth’s beauty.
Good morning. It's 43 (6c) on its way to 63 (17c). It's cooling off a bit. Yesterday it got up to 84 (29c) degrees! In my 46 years of living in Kansas, I've never seen 80s here in early March. Yesterday set the all time record. Busy meeting schedule today. Not sure what else we've got going on after that. I need to check my chinense starts to see if they've started to sprout. More seed starting this weekend. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's cloudy and overcast, 49F on its way to 52F. Today is an ok day, but yesterday was great. Went down to the garden and admired all the work that needs to be done, ha. Not sure what's on the plate today. Maybe build a DIY cloner. I want to try my hand at propagating blackberry, blueberry and mulberry. Have a great day and be safe out there.
headed to the trailer park we take care of then need to stop by another place and drive poles for windmills into the ground a little lower. Not much else going on. Got some DnD reading to do tonight. Going t be 87 today its starting to get hot. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 35 (2c) on its way to 75 (24c). I've got the day off. Rain in the forecast for Saturday and Sunday. My wife asked me if I'd take her to lunch today. The grandkids will be here this evening. Probably grilling something later on. I'm planning on starting the rest of my pepper seeds and my tomato seeds this weekend. Got a match to go to on Saturday. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Nice to see Chuck back at THP. How are things going on the Western Slope? It looks like a beautiful Friday ahead, with rain for the reservoirs. Coffee, groceries, Dr., then I have to make a few casseroles for others. It was great to visit downtown again and walk the mall. Great food; just an enjoyable day.
Have a great day. Put a smile on someone’s face.