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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

It's sunny, breezy and 42F, on its way to 51F. Winds last night were bad - gusts to 60mph. Got lots of branches down all over the yard. Don't know if any trees came down yet, but hope not! Chinense are popping up. I need to get the rest of the peppers planted - maybe today. Have a great day and call a loved one. They will love to hear from you! Good morning.
Good morning. It's 28 (-2c) on its way to 43 (6c). Winter storm warning issued for tonight with 6-8" of snow in the forecast. My Chinenses are popping as well. Looked to be somewhere around 20 of the little dudes yesterday. Took off their dome and turned on their lights. I expect a lot more will pop today. Busy meeting schedule. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Its cloudy, rainy, 39F heading to 45F, and just all round funky outside. Good day to stay inside and get some things done. Still need to plant the rest of the peppers lol. Maybe today. Have a good one!
Good morning. Snowing and 17*F. Son’s bday today, we will all celebrate on Friday. “Bee Czar” on Discovery tonight so I’ll get to see this guy who rescues bees. Kinda like Sic 😊. Coffee with the friends this AM, then a bit of transplanting. The ladies are doing well slowly, but a few need more room.
Enjoy this beautiful day.
Rescuing bees is cool. Bike ride with a couple buddies in the Green Swamp this morning/afternoon. Im sure a few beers will be opened afterwards. Rained yeterday so no painting happened, probably tomorrow afternoon. Hope yall have a good time tomorrow night Catherine. Yall be good and good morning.
Good morning. It's 25 (-4c) on its way to nowhere. Winter storm in progress. Busy meeting schedule today. Good day to hole up in the basement. Not much else is going on. Probably get out later and shovel the driveway pad. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's partly sunny and 31F on its way to 50F. Should be a fairly nice day. Not much planned - just gonna lay low and see what develops lol. Have a great day!
Good morning. Another cold day. I liked the “Bee Czar” program last night about rescuing bees. I didn’t realize so many bees were away from hives in Texas. I can see Sic helping him with the bees. The plan today is to transplant peppers and bring them to the basement, but last year’s garden clutter needs to move somewhere else first. I just need more room . . .
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and safe.
need to check out that show, I believe there are a couple episodes on you tube. Wife and I are headed back to Bartow this morning to pick up more bee supplies. Will do a few chores when we get back. Supposed to storm tonight and tomorrow morning then turn cold. Pizza and a movie this evening. Yall be good and have a great day. Good morning.
Good morning. It's 20 (-7c) on its way to 30 (-1c). Looks like the snow has stopped. I DVR'd the "Bee Czar" program. Not sure when I'll watch it. I have the day off. I'll probably do some work in the fishing room, work on the boat (got lots of stuff to install to make it into the fishing machine that I want it to be) and I'll check on my new seed starts. I've got a hankerin' for fajitas .... picked up some marinated beef from the local Carniceria. I'm hoping to use the plancha grill this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 29F, on its way to 62F. Looks to be a great afternoon to be outside. Lots to do out there lol. Better get it all done today - snow tomorrow, 2-4", boo! Come on Spring! Planted annuum seeds yesterday. Cutting way back on quantity this year. Fajitas sound delicious. Have a great day everybody!
Good morning. I transplanted way too many Chinense yesterday, just couldn’t let any of them die. I have lots more to do, and I said I would downsize this year. Maybe the tomatoes. Party tonight for the kids with lots of their friends and the old parents.
Have a wonderful day. We are so blessed to live in the US right now. Random Act of Kindness.
Good morning friends. Storm this morning and then cleaning frames and foundations. Didnt cook pizza last evening so breakfast is going to be dope. Trying to not eat dinner so I can get back to my prime fighting wait. Ive lost 8 pounds, 18 to go. Crazy how easy you can gain when you slack off. But im back mentally! This whole being fit is nothing more than mental strength. been riding more and starting to notice some gains. Cycling is brutal as far as losing your fitness and getting it back but im on the path. Blah blah blah, yall have a great day!
Good morning. It's 0 on its way to 40. The snow has melted a little. I think we got around 5". It's frigid this morning. Worked in the fishing room yesterday .... it's starting to come together after several years of neglect. Repaired 10 fishing rods that had been accumulating for years. My tomatoes are starting to pop. Good for you Sic on the weight loss. Not sure what I've got on the agenda for today. Probably working on boat stuff. Fixed fajitas last evening. Planning on making a pot of chili today. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Wonderful party last night given for my daughter, with many of her friends. The hostess asked us to bring our pickled stuff, so we were happy to share. Looks like a beautiful weekend ahead, waiting for the snow to melt. Sic, good for you on your fitness and mental acuity. Keep going.
Have a wonderful day and remember to set those clocks ahead tonight.
Good Morning! Currently overcast and snowing. Upped the forecast to 4" - 8". We'll see. Tons of errands yesterday - who knew. Skillet-cooked pork chops, baked potato and brussel sprouts last night for dinner. Delicious. Today is electrical day. Need to replace a wall light switch, a ceiling fan switch and a smoke detector. Also need to decide what tomatoes to grow this year. Will start them in a week or so. Sic - nice focus! Have a great day!
34 degrees outside will have us taking cover for our lifes,lol. Probably wont do much today? Do need to load up trailer with scrap metal to take tomorrow. And wouldnt mind getting a few boxes painted but we will see. Might really just need to rest and hit it hard the next few days. Was supposed to go to my mentor and work bees today but you cant pull the lid below 60 and its not going to hit that until much later in the day, so that sucks. Maybe tuesday or wednesday? Lot going on this week and its going to be long days trying to fit everything i need and want to do. Thanks for the health support and yall have a great day. Good morning.
We bought all of these hive supplies for 187.00. Had to make a day trip and clean them up as they've sat in a barn since 2015. Excellent condition and he threw in a couple hundred frames with foundation that we are still cleaning and ill re wax the foundations. All of this would have been around 3000.00 bought new. We got a fantastic deal. The savings allowed us to purchase the high end suits and all of the tools I'll eventually need. Can't wait o get everything set up and get some bees. Until then I'm learning everything I can and taking all the wisdom my mentor will pass.

Good morning. We've sprung forward! It's 35 on its way to 65. 80% of our snow has melted. We're starting in on an unseasonably warm week. Sic .... You're sure going big on the bee keeping stuff. Wow .... all that for $187! That's cool! We did watch the Bee Czar .... interesting .... quite an eccentric guy. I need to start planning for transplanting. By next weekend I should have hundreds of seedlings to re-pot. Not my favorite chore. I'm not sure what we've got going on today but I'm thinking I'll be grilling something this evening. Be safe and be good.