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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Late start this morning. Dinner with customers last night and then I stayed up to watch the end of the match. It's 30 on its way to 35 with a chance of snow. Winter came back. Working from the home office but I've got a busy schedule. Not sure what else we've got going on today. My grass is growing like crazy. I might have to mow soon :banghead:. Be safe and be good.
It's cloudy with showers and 68F on its way to nowhere. Supposed to clear off this afternoon. It was warm enough yesterday to sterilize some more pots/trays, so re-potting is back on track. Maybe today sometime. This afternoon I'm gonna work on the Gator. First up, replace fuel pump. Hope everybody has an excellent day. Good morning!
Good morning. It's 25 on its way to 55. I'm heading into the office in a few minutes. Not too much going on today. Our grandson is here. Got out some steaks to grill this evening. I need to go through my annuum situation and see what's germinated and what hasn't. Then restart whatever I might need. Some of my seeds are very old (that's why I'm growing them .... for pods and new seed) and a little difficult to start. Still waiting on electronics to finish the fishing boat. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's raining right now, but supposed to end and become partly cloudy this afternoon. Currently 48F on its way to nowhere. Need to run a few errands this afternoon. Still no dice on the Gator. The fuel pump wasn't the problem. Probably gone take it easy this afternoon. Might do some re-potting. Have a great day and be safe out there.
Good morning. It's 50 on its way to 60. Watered all of my re-pots this morning. Going to do an inventory this morning and then start 1 more tray of replacements for a few varieties that are proving difficult to germinate. Working in the barn this afternoon. I've got a couple of large brush piles to burn off but I haven't checked the wind forecast yet. I might try to burn those off in parallel with everything else. Watching Premier League matches this morning, KU basketball this evening and then the SKC match later on. Got some salmon out to grill this evening. Beverages this evening but I think I need to do an inventory on those too. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny, breezy and 42F, heading to 56F. Nice day to work outside, as long as the cold, biting wind stays down. After last night's freeze, there's no more freeze warnings in the next 10-day forecast. Going to remove the freeze bags from the fruits and berries. Need to uncover the garlic as well. Still some re-potting to do. Will finish it this weekend. Hope everybody has a nice, relaxing day!
Downriver. What’s the problem with the gator?
Won't run
Crank, no start I assume.
Does it fire with a tiny bit of starting fluid?
If so is filter clogged?
Diesel or gasoline?

It's not getting fuel to the carburetor. I just replaced the fuel pump - no change. Looking at it a little closer, fuel is not flowing freely from the tank into the fuel filter. I was researching on the 'Net and there appears to be a fuel filter inside the gas tank. Now I'm thinking that when the Gator ran out of gas, tank bottom sludge clogged that filter. Still chewing on that idea. Pulling the tank on this thing is NOT something I look forward to doing. I'm still pondering other possibilities lol.
Good morning. It's 40 on it's way to 65. I'm finally caught up on re-potting and re-planting for a few weeks. Had to raise the lights this morning. I've got 5 out of my 7 .... 4' light stations running now. We've got lettuce to sow and onions to plant within the next 10 days. I plan on taking it easy today. My right leg/hip seems to be doing OK. I'm hobbling around without much pain/difficulty. Going to help my wife fix a big breakfast and then we're making homemade pizzas later this afternoon. Not much else is going on .... maybe a little work in the fishing room .... maybe take the old truck for a drive into town. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Overcast, with rain some time soon. We moved lots of leaves yesterday at the CG, but it just made a dent with so much more to move. The leaves and debris are wet and heavy, a chore instead of something I enjoy. I’m hoping to repot the pepper stragglers tonight, had to bring in more dirt from the shed.
Glad to hear Harry’s healing slowly.
Have a wonderful day and stay healthy for the gardening season.
Prayers for Chuck’s family.
Partly sunny, breezy and 53F, on its way to nowhere. Took off the freeze protection bags from the peach trees and blueberry bushes. I guess they worked. The peach trees have several blooms that look great. Pretty impressive, when we had several nights in the twenties, and one night down to 17F. I'm a believer lol. Gonna take it easy today. Need to water the plants. Have a great day everybody!
Good morning.

Rain this morning noon.

I’m glad Harry’s hip and leg are doin much better. Pizza sounds good. That’s the one thing I’ve not mastered. I can’t seem to get the dough right. I like a kinda chewy crust.

Glad Ricks freeze protection worked. As far as the Gator. Don’t know if you can try some low pressure compressed air pushing back into the tank and see if that frees the clog. As long as there is nothing inline that could be damaged. If you hear bubbles it’s working.

Thank you Jane for the looking out. I’m glad your making progress with the leaves. Have fun repotting and enjoy the rain. We need it.

Have a wonderful day you all. Monday will be upon us way to fast.
