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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 25 on its way to 40. Real windy, frigid with snow showers. Indeed, prayers for Chuck and his family. Hopefully Sic's cat is doing better. Heading into the office in a little while. Got a proposal to complete today. Lasagna sounds delicious. I'm going to place an order with the boss for a lasagna! 3 weeks until we start moving plants outside to harden off. Around a month to plant out .... WX permitting. Forecast is for much warmer weather starting Sunday. Planning on hunting mushrooms by the middle of next week. Not much else is going on today. Be safe and be good!
Good morning. It’s finally Friday! I hope I can get rest this weekend. Probably not. Staying idle is not for me.

Glad your cat is doing better. My friend that lives in Louisiana. His house cat got out just before the storm the other day. He managed to find her the next night with minor injuries. Something attacked her. She’s doing better though and back inside. Don’t think she’ll be venturing kiddie for awhile. Lol

Take care and let’s get this moving and over.
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Good morning. It’s Friday. The tomatoes are sprouting pretty well and one 8 yr. old seed is slowly showing. I finally found some Ball or Kerr canning lids that have been absent from the market for 2 years. Of course their price jumped, but I bought a whole box and almost cleared the shelf. Sic, glad to hear the kitty is getting better.
Enjoy your day. Prayers for Chuck’s family.
It's sunny and 45F, on it's way to cloudy, rain and 53F. Got the tomatoes re-potted. Harry's right, it sure goes a lot faster when there's two of you. Need to plant some late arriving seeds and a few replacements. Hopefully a haircut is on the agenda for today. Hope everybody has a great day. Good morning.
Wow, Chuck. I can’t believe you have canning lids and we don’t! I read an article about Ball being sold to Newell Industries and how their monopoly on Ball and Kerr supplies affects us. I only use the above brands.
Thanks for offering to get the regular sized lids, I have enough for this year. If the price is right, I may ask you for next year.
Prayers for your whole family.
Good morning. It's 30 on its way to 65. Good to hear Sic's cat is getting better. Prayers with Chuck. It's only been within the past 3 months that I've been able to find regular mouth canning jar lids around here. It was about a 2 year shortage here too. I think I bought 10 boxes when I was finally able to find some :rolleyes:. Not a whole lot going on today. I need to get out and pick up some "yard" beer and I need to rig up my fan systems down in the start room sometime today. Watching a couple of Premier League matches this morning and going to the SKC match tonight. Probably partake in a few beverages after I get home from the match :beer:. I'm hopeful that with a few warm days coming up, the morel mushrooms will start popping :shh:. Looking forward to hobbling around the woods in search of them. Tomorrow, I'm going to mow for the first time this year and set the minnow and crayfish traps. Our grand daughter will be here sometime today through tomorrow. I think she and grandma have some movie watching to do while I'm at the match. Be safe, be blessed and be good. S.M.I.L.E.
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Good morning. Waiting for the sun to pop out from the clouds and warm this day. I need to remove those leaves at the CG or the flowers may rot. Colder weather and moisture are predicted for all of next week so today’s the day to get stuff done. Glad to hear Sic’s cat is better 😊.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Stay strong and healthy.
Also had a problem getting jars a year ago, none to be found. Bike ride this morning at nine and its going to be 52! Ill be wearing everything I got what sucks is my new road shoes. You cant wear socks with them as they pretty much just a sock with a carbon sole. And the soles are vented in several spots, ultimate Florida summer shoe. Not so good for this terrible cold front,lol. Will look into my hives this afternoon then relax this evening. Yall have a fantastic day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 55 on its way to 80 and very windy. Sounds like terrible cold Sic. As usual here, warm WX in April/May is accompanied by severe T storms and such. Those are in the forecast starting tomorrow for a few days. My wagon's draggin' a little bit this morning because I got home late from last night's match. Today is my mowing/trimming day and I'd like to get the rest of my annuums repotted. I got out some steaks to grill this evening. Our grand daughter is here so it's unlikely I'll get much assistance from my wife on anything today. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's overcast and 42F, on its way to 53F. Sic - I sat outside under a tent judging steaks yesterday and it never hit 50F. Froze my azz off. I feel for ya buddy lol. Gonna take it easy today. Probably catch the final round this afternoon. Hope everybody has a wonderful day and be safe out there.
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Good morning. 37*F-57*F, with yesterday's 74*F, a wonderful day to work in the gardens. Rain through the night and hopefully through the week. I've seen canning jars at the thrift stores, at least double in price from a year or so ago. Chuck, what's the price of Kerr lids? I haven't seen Ball brand for many years. It looks like a great day to make cookies, to warm up the house.
Have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. 37*F-57*F, with yesterday's 74*F, a wonderful day to work in the gardens. Rain through the night and hopefully through the week. I've seen canning jars at the thrift stores, at least double in price from a year or so ago. Chuck, what's the price of Kerr lids? I haven't seen Ball brand for many years. It looks like a great day to make cookies, to warm up the house.
Have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy.
It was $3.47 (regular) and $4.47 (wide) for 12 lids. The jars were $8.98 for 12 jars pint regular (Ball). I figured if I subtracted the price of the lids from the jars, got the jars for $5.50 for 12 jars. Got some jelly jars as well for my superhot purée.
Good morning. Thanks for the canning supplies prices, Chuck. I think ours are the same price except the jars are more $$$. WalMart also sells Golden Harvest supplies, and I’ll use them in a pinch for pickled beets or pickles, as the brine is vinegar. Monday chores, coffee, then visit my friend in rehab.
Have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy. Prayers for Ukraine.
Good morning. It's partly sunny and 41F, on its way to 68F. The next four days look promising - around 70F for a high each day. Probably pick up sticks today in preparation for the first grass cutting sometime this week. Need to start thinking about garden clean-up. Have a great day everybody!