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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Cold and windy. I finished all the pepper transplants except the few that finally decided to sprout, so those will stay in their small packs. No broccoli up yet. Tomatoes haven’t been started yet. The gas guy repacked insulation around the gas valve, so everything’s OK now, no smell of gas.
It looks like a beautiful day ahead. Enjoy every minute of it. Prayers for peace.
Good morning. It's overcast and 46F, on its way to 62F. Finally got tomato seeds in the dirt. Have a dentist appointment today, then home and do some re-potting. Have a great day everybody!
Good morning. It's overcast with rain promised for the whole day. Currently 48F on its way to 56F. Good day to stay inside. Didn't re-pot yesterday, so that will be today's activity. Hope everyone has a great day. Aren't we creeping up on the big day Harry?
Good morning. It's a cold early morning. I'm unable to sleep. I had wet shoes (from walking through the grass) and slipped in my barn early Tuesday morning getting into my truck. I didn't fall but twisted my right leg. I didn't think much about it. By last night I can't walk without without extreme pain. Apparently I've injured something in my outside hip area. I can sit in a chair .... that's about it. Probably going to head to the doctor sometime today. It's an extremely busy time at work too which doesn't help the situation. I've still got lots of transplanting to do that also keeps nagging at me. Be safe and be good.
Sorry to hear about your injury Harry. Hope it's just a muscle pull type thing. Easy going buddy.

Well, it's cloudy, drizzling and 49F, on its way to 66F. Hopefully the rain will taper off and I can do some work on the Gator. Too wet to work in the garden. In the mean time, there's always re-potting to do lol. Hope y'all have a great day and be safe out there.
Good morning. It's 30 on its way to 55. It should be the 1st day we've seen the sun in the last 5 days. I've got today off but I'll have to attend a couple of online meetings.

I went to the Urgent Care to have my leg/hip checked out. X-rays revealed no fractures but I have an injury to something called the greater trochanter (1st time I ever heard of it). My problem is where the leg muscles attached to the hip. This injury is normally seen in athletes and old people :lol:. If I was a pro athlete I'd be on the injury list for awhile. Based on my age, being in decent physical condition and with exercise and PT (not that I'm going to that ;)) the doctor said I can expect a full recovery in 3-6 months. Now my challenge is to recover in weeks .... not months!

The last of my peppers and tomatoes are needing repotting .... that's on my agenda for this weekend. Probably watch some basketball later on today. Not much else going on. Grilling and beverages this evening. A little self medication. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It’s finally Friday.
Leaving hospital. Son is staying with grandma for the day while I’m at work. They said she can’t go home. Wouldn’t survive the ambulance ride 20 miles away. It’s is what it is now.
Need to order some plants. I didn’t start any due to my mom being I’ll for so long. Going to have garden this year. Need to get hoop house in order.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy.
Good morning. It's sunny and 42F, on its way to 56F. Good thing nothing's planted out yet. Temp is forecast to plunge to 20F Sunday night and 17F Monday night. Ordered some "tree" covers for the peach trees. They are young trees and this is the first year they have quite a few blossoms. Gonna try to save them. Ordered some for the blueberry bushes as well.

Well, I guess that's good news Harry. Sure sounds painful. Dr. Harry's pain medication would be my course of treatment as well.

Chuck - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Did some re-potting yesterday; more to do today and over the weekend. Have a great day and be safe out there.
Good morning. Overcast and in the 40’s. I checked on the CG yesterday and fertilized the garlic, moved lots of bags of leaves, and uncovered the rhubarb. I’m hoping to dig out 1/3 of it for a friend. Still have lots to do besides remove the leaf mulch, but it can wait. The wind was cold. Maybe more work today at the CG.
Healing prayers for Harry. Any kind of injury is not good when you’re a gardener.
Extra prayers for Chuck and his family.
Have a wonderful day. Stay strong.