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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good Morning!
Off to range today. Temps at night back to -10c'sh, day lows -5c. Did some gardening on the weekend, not much to do except clean up the dried stuff.
Continue with indoor grow, probablt step it up this year for indoor. Not going to trust weather this year lol, others in the same boat, lots geting into hydroponics now.
Have a great day !!!!!!!!

(wow, qrt jars are $25/12 here lol, grab em low when you can)
Good morning. It’s 55 on its way to 80. Potential of severe storms tonight. Got most of my annuums re-potted. A few were too small to repot. All that’s left are the few small annuums, a few straggler tomatoes and a tray of what I’m calling the “poor germinating gang”. No matter how many times I try to start them, they still won’t germinate. Finished my taxes yesterday and got those ready to go. Bastards aren’t getting my check(s) until next week. Drove in to the office this morning. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Quick Dr. visit, then letting my neighbor’s dog out again. Signs look good for getting rid of the cancer in my neighbor’s body, but the chemo she has to endure, oh my. Waiting for the weather forecaster’s predicted rain that rarely comes. The trees are budding, spring flowers are mostly blooming. It looks like a beautiful day ahead.
Have a wonderful day. Stay safe and healthy. Prayers for Ukraine.
Good morning. A shower this morning, then a mix of clouds and sun. Currently 67F on its way to 71F. A few errands this AM, then back out to yard work. Fixed the weed-wacker and pole chainsaw yesterday. I use both tools frequently. More stick work today lol. Great news about your neighbor Catherine. Have a fantastic day everybody!
Good morning.

Snow and cold. Have a feeling it’s going to be a bad year for Palisade Peaches. Everything is in bloom around here. This cold snap could make them drop. I hope not.

Drive in blizzard to work a hour away and they called snow day. Lol. Turned around and head back at 30mph on Interstate. 2hrs getting home. Staying indoors until Summer.

Just kidding.

Have a great day.
Good Morning!
-10c, snowing, windy etc..
Soup day, not much else happening.
Have a great Day!!!!!!!!!!

Another beautiful day today. Sunny and breezy -currently 65F on its way to 79F. A trip to recycles, then a grocery store run. Believe it or not, that'll use up most of the day. Hope everyone has a great day. Good morning!
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Good morning. It's 34 on its way to 60. Back in the home office. Very busy work schedule today. Looking forward to getting this jungle of pepper and tomato plants out of the basement and outside. Unfortunately, we're still at least 2 weeks away from that. Did a check on what's left to pot up ..... those annuums that were too small last week are ready now. No changes with the poor germination gang. I guess those 2010/2011 seeds just aren't going to cut it anymore. It's not like I don't already have enough plants :banghead:. Mating season for alligators .... not the action I need. I think our grandson will be here for the weekend. Grilling and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny, but giving way to clouds and rain this afternoon. Currently 70F on its way to 75F. Last day to hit 70F for awhile. Loaded the truck up with recyclables yesterday and drove to the recycling center. Closed on Wednesdays. Shoulda remembered that. Might try again today. Gearing up for the first grasscutting of the year. Maybe today as well. Hope everybody has an awesome day!
Good morning. We broke a record low temp at the airport yesterday, 10*F. Today is in the 25-50* F range, still waiting for moisture. Peppers are OK in the basement, tomato sprouts still have another week before transplant. Haven’t heard about a swap but I’d like to get rid of a few plants before we leave on vacation.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and enjoy the Spring beauty in the garden.
Good morning. It's 50 on its way to 70. Not much going on today. I've got a new assistant that I'm training at work. I'm heading into the office in a few minutes. I'm planning on being at work until early afternoon and then heading back to the farm to start in on the chore list. Need to install the sound system on the back deck, get all the furniture cushions out, check out the fire table (I had an issue with the regulator last fall) and get the fridge out there. Tomorrow is garden activities and repotting the last of the annuums and tomatoes. I've got a business trip next week and need to get caught up on the chores as best as I can. Our grandson will be here later this afternoon. Not much else is going on. The crazy hot/cold WX is messing up the mushroom hunting. Have a great day! Grilling and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.
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