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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It looks like another beautiful day for gardening chores. Grocery shopping, a few errands first. All of my tomatoes got transplanted with about 1/4 of them hoping for another owner. I can’t throw them away yet. Oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and safe.
It's gonna be a cloudy day, but it's currently 57F on its way to 61F - not too bad. Thanks Sic. Vet ran a bunch of tests and the only thing found was low potassium. Got some meds for that. If it doesn't help, they'll do an mri and x-rays looking for worse things. Fingers crossed.

Fired up the chainsaw yesterday and finished cutting up three trees I dropped earlier. Then loaded onto the trailer and hauled to the burn pile. It's getting pretty big - need to burn it soon. Have to wait unit after May 1, when the burn ban lifts. My back is killing me lol.

Don't know what's on the plate today. Might get back to working on the gator - ha.

Have a great day everybody, and be safe out there!
Good morning. Back in the office. It's 68 on its way to 81. All of my pepper and tomato plants are way too big and they need to go outside for hardening. Going to start that later on today. This WX of hot for a couple days and then cold with the threat of frost for a couple days has to stop soon. Very strange Spring. Busy work schedule today. Not much else is going on .... I might get out and search for mushrooms later this afternoon. Be safe and be good.
Good morning and Happy Birthday, Sic. Beautiful Spring day for garden work, but I have a birthday luncheon and then am meeting a fellow gardener to disperse of my wealth of tomato seedlings and hot pepper extras. Yesterday we moved bags of leaves at the CG. No more - I’m making a sign that says so. Too much crap in with the leaves.
Have a wonderful day and share some birthday cake with Sic.
Beautiful day on tap. It's mostly sunny and 58F, heading to 71F. Have a few errands to run, then home and probably to the garden. Still need to do Spring cleanup/prep work. It might take a while lol. Hope everybody has a great day and Good Morning. Happy Birthday Sic!
Good morning. It's 70 on its way to 80. Heading up to town to pick up the wife's Subaru buggy from the body shop in an hour. Then I'm going to the nursery to get a truckload of nursery mix .... followed by a quick stop at the beer store. Mowing and trimming after that. This evening, my wife's having a "girl's night" down here at our place. I've got a SKC match tonight and won't be around :woohoo:. Threat of severe T-storms tonight. Sic .... congrats on the big 45 young man! Not much else is going on. Be safe, be blessed and be good.
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Another pretty day - sunny and currently 52F, on its way to 75F. Got sidetracked working on mini-tiller yesterday. Was having problems with the carb sticking open. After putzing around excessively, I figured out the throttle cable was actually sticking. I soaked it with penetrating oil and freed it up quite a bit, but still a little sticky. A new cable cost $30 bucks. Maybe the oil worked magic overnight lol. Still have plans to head to the garden today, unless something else pops up. Hope everybody has a great day. Good Morning!
Good morning. It's 50 on its way to 65. Major storms came through last night. Went to mow yesterday and the mower's leaking oil. Fired it up and it's leaking oil out of the top of the engine. I need to figure that out today. It's always something. Might try to burn off the brush piles today. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning! Another sunny, almost hot, day with the chance of a T-storm this afternoon. It's currently 65F on its way to 84F. Hit the garden for the first time yesterday. There's some work to be done there lol. Checked out the solar electric fence - still working good. Weed-whacked fence line to keep wires clear. Today, probably more of the same - weeding, etc. Hope everybody has a great day and be safe out there.
Off to mow, shouldnt be that long of a day. Probably skipping most of the lawns as we havent had rain. Parents left last evening as me and Bob got in a argument and he got buck and decided to leave. I feel terrible and sad. Im sure my mother is heart broken. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Mostly sunny today. Currently 58F on its way to 74F. Should be nice. Continued with row prep in the garden yesterday. Found some potatoes sprouting in the pantry, so decided to plant them in some 7 gal nursery pots. I've done it before and it works ok. Easy to dig them - just dump the bucket in a wheelbarrow and viola lol. Not sure what's on the plate today - back kinda hurts from yesterday. It is Margarita Monday, so that might be on the list for this evening. Sorry to hear about your conflict with Bob, Sic. Those things do happen; I know from experience. You guys will work through it. Remember the old adage - Be the Bigger Man. Have a great day everybody!
Good morning. Sunny and 32F. Usual Monday errands, coffee club, then I’m hoping to check out the CG when it warms up. My first iris bloomed last week, which is very early. I’ll probably miss most of the other iris blooms this May, but I hope not as they’re so colorful.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy, keep family close.