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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Yesterday’s heavy, wet snow was quite destructive with so many trees already leafed out. We only lost a lower branch on the peach tree, but most of the bloomed iris are toast. The snow should melt off the grass soon, but the moisture was welcomed. I can’t imagine the weather on the East coast with high temp indexes. Sic - hope you survive the humidity w/the heat.
Enjoy your day, stay hydrated.
Good morning. It's in the 60s this morning with only a high of 80 forecasted today and cloudy. It reached 100 yesterday. Quite a change! Heading out for breakfast in a few minutes. Not much is else is going on ..... probably just see how it goes. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's mostly sunny and 71F, on its way to 87F today. Thunderstorms likely this afternoon. Snow is a faint memory to me now. Can't imagine it in late-May. Didn't work in the garden yesterday. Grilled a nice pork loin and ran it over to my mother/brother's for their dinner. Hope it was good. Then came home and grilled two ribeyes and sweet potatoes. I know they were good lol. Today I might hit the garden before it rains, if its not too wet. A thunderstorm rolled through last night and it rained pretty hard. We'll see. If not, there's always golf to watch, ha. Hope everybody has a nice and restful Sunday!
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Good morning. It's 67 on its way to 87. Should be a nice day. I've been told we're doing some shopping and sight-seeing today. The drag boat races were really cool. It had been a number of years since I saw them. They're saying the Hill Country will get rain starting tonight. That's OK ..... looks like they really need it down here. Not much else is going on. Hoping the garden is looking OK back home. Be safe and be good.
It's sunny now and 64F, on its way to 68F. Pretty now but they're calling for "periods of rain" today. Hope they're wrong. Got some more weeding done yesterday - still more to do. Hope to plant peppers in the next few days. Grilled some chicken thighs for sliders last night - yum. Need to run a few errands, then hopefully do some more garden work. Hope everybody has a great Monday. Good Morning!
Bike ride then Ive got to do hive inspections. Had a swarm yesterday so Im expecting most of the colony took off with the queen? Puppy got spayed yesterday so shes all out of it. Wife is dealing with a pinched nerve or something so shes all out of it. Will take care of them this afternoon/evening. yall behave and have a great day. Good morning.
Good morning. It's 67 on its way to 87. Last evening, I thought we were going to get some significant rain but it only rained for 20 minutes. Yesterday, we went through a cavern and later in the day, we found a great brewery. We bought some good brews to take back home. Not sure what we're doing today but we'll figure something out. Lots to explore in the Hill Country. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's overcast, drizzling and 54F on its way to 61F. Not a very nice day outside. Managed to get two rows of peppers in the ground yesterday before the rain started. Still need to run several errands today. Not much else planned. Have a great Tuesday everybody!
Good morning. More rain last night, filling up the reservoirs a bit. Still too cold and wet to garden except for pulling weeds. Coffee group and another grocery run. Dinner with the kids is planned.
Have a great day. Share your bounty. Stay healthy.
It's cloudy and 56F, on its way to 66F. Mosquitoes have arrived with a vengeance. I hate those little !@#$'s. Sometimes they're so bad, you can't even go outside. I don't use deet, so I usually smell like some exotic flower crossed with an herbal bouquet of something or other, lol. Whatever works. Still a few errands to run today, then home to select and soak beans for planting, along with okra seeds. Plan to plant tomorrow afternoon. Hope everybody has a great Wednesday. Good Morning!
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Good afternoon. It's 80 with no humidity. Very pleasant. Had torrential rain and hail last night. Back to normal Hill Country temperatures tomorrow (around 100). Went to our favorite BBQ for lunch. Texas smoked brisket and jalapeno/cheese sausage. Damn good! Also, stopped and stocked up on stuff we can't get in Kansas .... including local beer and liquor. DR .... mosquitoes already? My sister said we've got over 2" of rain back home in the last couple of days. That will probably fill up the pond and make the birds and critters happy :rolleyes:. Probably not too long until we get the mosquitoes too! Can't hardly wait to check out our garden but that will have to wait until Friday. Not much else is going on. Still stuffed from BBQ but planning on where to eat dinner this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. The 70F and 80F temps have begun, time to harden off the plants and check out the CG, and then wait. It’s still too wet to plant. We have a plant swap on Saturday, so I may dig up a few starts for that. Weeding is always on the docket.
Have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and hydrated.