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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Morning all,

@sicman thinking about your brother. 🤍

Love all the cat and dog spam. I'd want to cuddle them all. (That is, if my cat would allow it, he's quite adamant on having all my cuddles for himself.)

We had Remembrance of the Dead yesterday. Today is Liberation Day where we celebrate the end of the occupation of the country during WWII.

I'm driving to The Hague today, to visit a friend of my parents who's over in The Netherlands. We're having a lunch together and probably have a lot of talking to do.

The weatherforcast says rain, rain, rain and some more rain for at least the coming seven days. Some thunder and hail might be added today to spice it up a little. It wouldn't surprise me if the Dutch would develop gills eventually. Good thing I have some cute and colorful umbrellas to keep my spirit lifted.

Stay dry, keep smiling and appreciate freedom.
Morning all - Friday is here, and it's another long weekend for me - yipppeeeee
On the downside rain rain rain and thunderstorms forecast with a touch of rain in between.
I've a doc appt. this a.m. that I'm not looking forward - let's just say it's lady stuff.
Then work this afty weather permitting.
Picked up another 3 large bags of compost yesterday - will this potting up never end.

@Ratatouille I'm lucky in that I get to cuddle all the pups, some I never want to let go. We have a "no dog" rule at home, Mr Tinks is not a dog person - otherwise we'd have rather a lot of dogs and I wouldn't have so much time to help the needy dogs.

@sicman thoughts and best wishes to your brother - hoping the radiation will help.

And that's it - have a good Friday, keep warm, dry, calm and smile :D
Good morning.

Sic, hope everything goes well with your brother.

Need to fix the deck. The front concrete supports have disintegrated. The front face of the deck is pulling away from the rest. Need to remove, pour new supports and a couple extra. It will take time. All the beam support brackets need to be removed and reinstalled. Deck is 23x15 feet. Need my son to help. Last track meet of the year today. Can’t build lean to greenhouse until that’s fixed.

Coffee and heading out to track meet.

Try and have a good day you all.
Thanks for the well wishes. I talked to him yesterday and he is in great spirits but Im sure he is worried. Going to the Green Swamp for a ride then washing bike. Hoping I can pick my mower up today, I kinda need it. Guitar playing and brews this afternoon.

So maybe I lied a little about cats are not allowed inside. We have one named Little Shit that has weasled his way into the house on occasion. He uses the house to get from back and front yards and makes pit stops that last all night sometimes. probably my fault as i would carry him around in my pocket when he was a kitten.
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Good morning. It's 54F on its way to 74F. Cloudy and breezy. The HVAC guys came out to do their Spring heat pump checkup in preparation for next week's 85F+ forecasted temperatures. Well, there's too many refrigerant leaks in the old line set and it needs to be replaced. Dang it! They'll be out this morning to do that. The farm is turning into a money pit .... LOL. I am still on the mend ... feeling a little better everyday. Got some office work to do this morning that shouldn't take too long. The grand kiddos will be here after school and throughout the weekend. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 45-72F, temps to enjoy while we can. Peppers play the in-and-out game, tomatoes stay stagnant under the lights, and I get to play in the dirt. It looks like a beautiful Friday.
Sic, glad to hear your brother is in good spirits. Many prayers for his recovery.
Good vibes to Harry’s healing.
Chuck, all the best to your son’s hard work at the track meet.
Everyone, have a great weekend in spite of the weather Mother Nature sends us. Make the best of what we have. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's sunny and 50F, on its way to 68F. Should be a beautiful day. I'll be outside doing something. There's so much to do, I don't know what to do first, ha. Probably get down to the garden for a little while at least. Grass needs cutting as well. Guess I better get going. Harry, you need to leave the stress of that job behind - for good. That might be your best medicine. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there.

@sicman that sure is a cute stowaway you have there.

@Tinkerbelle rules can be bend, just saying. 😇

This is our cat. We got him from the pet animal shelter when he was 15. He's 18 now. He loves sleeping, usually we don't know if he's alive till we wake him up. So we named him Schrödinger.


Lots of rain again today. I think I'll spend the next hours finishing my grocery list and doing other chores. I think there's a dry time window later today. I'll use that to go out and do some work in the muddy garden. 😀

Have a lovely weekend!
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Morning all - sun's up although rather cool out there, expecting a high of 22C this afty, then rain and storms overnight.
3 day weekend this weekend so a chance to get some more potting up done. Will it never end? :lol:
And that's it for me today.
Have a good Saturday - keep calm, cool, pain-free and smile :D

and here's our cat, Herbert, a rescue mog - he's reached the grand age of 13 so far.
Harry I have a saying "its took a lot of money to be this poor" Wife has her garden club going on this morning so Im going for a ride. Not sure whether Im going to Croom or the Green Swamp? Ill let the coffee decide. Guitar and brews later. Seen Netflix has Cable Guy so probably watch that tonight, its one of my favorites. Cheeseburgers for dinner. Was able to pick up my mower but they have to order a part. Its no big deal and I can use it. Have a good day and good morning.
Good morning. A bit cooler and windy, nice weather to enjoy for a bit. Daughter and I shopped at a local nursery yesterday and picked up a few annual flowers. The prices set me back quite a bit, glad I have lots of seeds. Today we’re going to the trade school greenhouse sale and see if there’s anything I really need, plus check out their prices. I really wasn’t ready to pay $7-10 for each plant, but I did.
With all the plants I’m bringing to the swap, I’m hoping to find something I like, or learn to like.
Have a great weekend. Share time with friends along with family. S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning. It's 67F (19C) on its way to 93F (34C). I guess we no longer have 4 seasons in Kansas. Straight from Winter to Hot Summer. Both our cats are 12 years old. Ratty - with our big cat, we have to poke him to see if he's still alive too. The little one won't shut up so it's not a problem with her. I received a lot of feedback suggesting that it might be time for me to cut the cord on my paying job .... I agree. I would like to get outside and start working but the WX prognosticators swung and missed on today's forecast so far .... it's cloudy and spitting rain and won't clear out until noon. I'm at about 80% but feeling better each day. Today I'm mowing, trimming, sowing, planting, repairing raised beds, cleaning up the patio and arranging my menagerie of smokers and grills. Should be plenty to keep me busy. The grand kiddos are here. Grilling burgers this evening. No adult beverages .... on the wagon until we can get this ulcer thing figured out. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 57F, on its way to 73F. Another beautiful day. All I managed to do yesterday was cut grass. Mostly done, but need to do some trimming today. Then I plan on going to the garden. I planted sugar snap peas a few weeks ago and haven't been down to see them since. Wonder if they did any good lol. Guess I'll find out. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there.
Morning all - Sunday is here, overcast with showers. I can shoot out between showers and do garden stuff.
Yesterday was better than forecast with lots of sunshine and warmth and a cracking storm overnight.
Spent the afternoon clearing out the hangar (open barn), found loads of gardening bits and pieces I had forgotten about.
Not sure what today will bring, I'll bring some of the larger peppers out to enjoy the rain, the littlies can stay in the greenhouse. Don't want them drowning under a deluge of rain.
And that's it for me - oh yes, better cook some dinner :lol:
Have a good Sunday, keep warm, dry, cool, calm, pain-free and smile :D
Did not sleep well at all. Mowing and sharpening/changing blades on mowers. Plan on chilling and playing guitar most of the day. The whole me trying to get active on the drums is not working out but I still dont think I want to sell them. Unless Harry wants them to re kindle his college days. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Sunny and a bit cooler. Yesterday daughter and I went on a plant shopping spree to 3-4 nurseries. I should be set for plants with an empty purse. I need to harden off most of them. Daughter bought a birdbath for her place. Son and family came for a quick visit, then we could enjoy the outdoors again.
A busy Sunday planned, then Netflix to relax for the day.
Have a wonderful day. Keep those gardening growing. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. It's 70F (21C) on its way to 90F (32C). Warm, sunny and breezy. Severe storms forecasted for tonight. Got all of the large starts loaded into the bed of the old truck so they're easily movable. Just a couple more days until plant out. Sic .... that would be fun for about an hour LOL. Over did it a bit working in the garden/yard yesterday. Need to build up some more stamina but doing much better. Grandma, the kiddos and the cats had a big time sleeping out on the screened in porch last night. Our 6 year old grandson called it camping. Working outside most of the day but at leisurely pace. Might make a run to WM and up to one of the DIY box stores to pick up some 2x6s. Grilling salmon this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 65F, on its way to 75F. Rain and thunderstorms moving in by mid-afternoon. Spent yesterday outside. Finished up the grass cutting, did some trimming, then headed to the garden. Started clearing the electric fence to get it back into working condition. Need to keep the wildlife out before I plant out. Carrying all the plants out to the carport today. Hardening off is upon us. Hope every body has a restful and peaceful Sunday. Be safe out there.
Good morning,

It is Monday again, a fresh start of the week. I have nothing spectacular for today, as a Monday should be.

I'm heading for work. Through the farms that are preparing for Easter with their yellow tulips. There is this one field that has the occasional red tulip in the mix. Zoom in on the pic to see it. I find it quite funny.


Have a lovely Monday!
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