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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's partly sunny and 67F, on its way to 86F. Gonna be a little warmer today. The Wx guessers completely missed it yesterday. Clouds moved in, and it drizzled/rained all day. If it doesn't do the same thing today, I'll probably try to get some weeding done. Hope everybody has a freaky fun Friday. Be safe and careful out there.
Good morning. Friday is here, the road trip will soon be done, and I can sleep without so much noise! We picked up some corn right out of the field yesterday - just lucky. On the way home we’re stopping at an orchard and picking up a few boxes of peaches, I hope. We should be home by dinner.
Downriver, you need to take a summer getaway trip, even just for a week. New England is always gorgeous - just a bit prejudiced. Fall is pretty, too.
Have a wonderful day. Spend time with friends and family.

It's 76°F (24°C) on it's way to 87°F (30°C). Been raining off and on for the last six days.. we need it though.

Plants are doing well, and the GJP has another pepper growing. Taking a lot of pictures to document everything so I can keep improving my growing technique.

Plans for today are just to do some errands, and back (Turn and Burn).
Good morning. Still alive.

Sic, I’m still looking out for more plates.

Had some nice rain the past few days. Been busy with physical therapy and house work. Preparing for Winter. This is Colorado. If you don’t start doing things now, it will be too late. In another two months it will be getting cold. Need to finish up projects. I always wait till the last minute.

Have a great day you all.
Morning all - the weekend has arrived along with shitty weather :lol: yes it's cold and wet - grrrrrrrrrrrr
Apparently the house warming party is tonight and not last night as I thought, luckily I checked before I left the house :rofl:
Not much planned outside for today, plenty to do indoors and MotoGP qualifying this afternoon - huzzah! :dance:
And that's it for today - keep warm, calm, dry and smile - even though it's August and it's pissing with rain :D
Yesterday was my first ride in 10 weeks. Which is crazy as thats the longest by far in 8 years Ive gone without riding. 40 miles at a slow crawl of 15.8 mph and yes it was a little painful,lol. Felt good to be back on the bike though. Going to go ride this morning like 20-30 miles. Playing guitar later. Sonya has her garden womens get together thing so Ill be hiding. Chilling this evening with a movie and beverages. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's sunny and 76F, on its way to 88F. Should be a nice, kinda hot, day. Did some maintenance in the garden yesterday. I have a patch of grass to cut today, then maybe the garden for some more drip installation. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe and have fun out there.
Good morning. Home again, where it hailed *again* while we were gone. Now I have pitted tomatoes instead of olives (!). At least we had some rain, too. Lots of weeds.
Shouted out to Chuck as we passed his town on I-70. What a debacle closer to Denver on I-70. West bound traffic was backed up for miles because of construction.
Back in the Community Garden this AM, picking green beans and a few beets. Nice to have something to harvest. Tomatoes are a long way away.
Have a great weekend. Enjoy friends and family.
Good morning. It's sunny and 71F, on its way to 89F - Real Feel 98F. Chance of a heavy thunderstorm this afternoon. It's gonna be a little toasty out there today. Not sure what's up today, but my plan is to lie low and chill. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy.
Good morning.

Went to a mushroom growing class the other night. Interesting. I won a cool shirt in the raffle.
They had another class yesterday. They called and said I won a big mushroom growing kit. Lol Won both raffles. I’ve never won anything in my life. It comes with oyster mushrooms. But they have all the Psilocybin mushrooms strains as well, If that’s your cup of tea. Punny. Disclaimer. It is legal to grow for personal use in Colorado. 🍄

Have some house work to do today. Exercises. Water plants and not much else. Maybe I’ll watch tv. I don’t watch tv much. If so it’s late in the evening. Maybe I’ll find a movie. I’m a series person with the adhd. Movies are usually too long for my attention span.Unless they’re good of course. 😂

Have a great day and be safe.
Morning all - Monday is amongst us again, how did that happen?
For once a warm, calm day weather-wise. I'm going to get some garden and greenhouse tidying up done today.
Picked another tub of runner beans, a massive courgette and some tomatoes already.
Work this afternoon as it's not too hot today.
Have a good Monday - keep calm, cool, pain-free and smile :D
Good morning. Sunny and warmer, with last night’s rain I can work without having to spend time watering. Because of so much rain this summer, some of the garlic hasn’t dried properly, so I’m having to open the heads and peel cloves for use later. Luckily most are OK. Just make lemonade . . .
Have a wonderful day. Take time for yourself. Watch a good movie.
Good morning. I'm back from Canada and alive and well. 65F on its way to 85F. Seems like it will be very nice. Office work this morning. Cleaning and refilling the kiddos pool then trimming after that. Pulled in late Saturday night to see a tree down in the yard (I guess there were some big storms last week). Anyway, worked on that most of the day yesterday and mowed. Also spent several hours in the garden. Harvested several flats of assorted Bonnets and habanero varieties. Also, harvested a couple flats of ginormous Teknes, some really nice Stuffing Scotch Bonnets and lots of Aji Jobitos (that went into a salsa). All the pods seem to be really coming on strong now. Still cranking out the tomatoes .... ugh. Helped the boss make salsa yesterday and she's going to pressure can it today. Harvested another couple of 5 gallon buckets of greens beans. Still snapping those to be canned sometime this week. Going to be a busy day. Grilling and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's sunny and 77F, on its way to 87F. Calling for some nasty weather this afternoon - severe thunderstorms, significant risk of damaging winds, flooding downpours, hail and a tornado. Sounds like the Wx guessers covered their azz with that forecast. Other than that, it should be a nice day, lol. Picked some peppers and (more) cucumbers yesterday to make this Cucumber Relish. Never tried this recipe before, but have to do something with all those cucumbers! Maybe make it during today's stormy afternoon. Harry, I got tired just reading about all you've done since to got back! So, how was the fishing part of the trip? Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and keep trying to keep up with the weeds!
Good morning. Tending to the plants. Cooler weather has caused the plants to thrive. That hot dry weather we have stunts them. Played hell with earwigs this year. They they decimated my sweet basil. They would have cunsumed all the Chile plants if I hadn’t set traps. That put my plants back as well. Going make some brew for them. Hardware store is open today so I’m going to get the door on my lean too. My friend will be coming up and we will tear the hot tube down. Planning on removing the equipment and cutting it in half. Working on the garage a bit today.

Glad everyone is well and I hope you all have a safe and purposeful day.
Good morning. It's sunny and 77F, on its way to 87F. Calling for some nasty weather this afternoon - severe thunderstorms, significant risk of damaging winds, flooding downpours, hail and a tornado. Sounds like the Wx guessers covered their azz with that forecast. Other than that, it should be a nice day, lol. Picked some peppers and (more) cucumbers yesterday to make this Cucumber Relish. Never tried this recipe before, but have to do something with all those cucumbers! Maybe make it during today's stormy afternoon. Harry, I got tired just reading about all you've done since to got back! So, how was the fishing part of the trip? Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and keep trying to keep up with the weeds!
DR .... I would say the trip was average overall but we did have one exceptional day. The WX was excellent (compared to KS) and I didn't have to put on my rainsuit. We go to NW Ontario to target trophy smallmouth bass (20"+) and have been doing this for many years. We also caught lots of northern pike, walleye and one lake trout totally by accident. We are catch-n-release fisherman with the exception of an occasional northern pike shore lunch.