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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's overcast and 67F, on its way to 91F. Supposed to clear and be mostly sunny today. Made it down to the garden yesterday. Watered and picked a few things. Not sure what's on the agenda today. Probably yard work of some type, until it gets too hot. Harry - I know we get your weather about two days later, but please don't send that nasty heat this way. Yuck. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and drink plenty of....something.
Good morning,

Picked some pods yesterday. Starting to get some blossoms. Went to the soil class. Got to look under the microscope at compost, compost teas, and vermicompost. Learned a little bit. Knew most of the stuff. No one showed up for the class, so that was nice. Only 6 of us in the audience.

Today, need to get together my camping gear. Heading out somewhere at the end of the week. Finishing up on my lean to.

Been busy. Made jelly instead of jam. The fruits weren’t to much bigger than the pits. It was a pain trying to dissect them. I threw in the towel. I ended up boiling them all until they were intact but mushy. I drained the water took a wooden spoon and mixed it. It looked like melted marshmallows. I then strained the juice and made jelly.
8cups juice to 9cups sugar and two boxes of pectin. Hard boiled for 5min. Water bath for 15min. Perfecto! Made a huge mess. Had it boil over once and it gave me something to do for a hour. I spent another hour cleaning up everything that came in contact with the mixture. It was worth it. The plums were not that sweet. Very sour the juice was. End result was sweet and tart. Nice pink color when spread.

Have a great day and stay cool
Good morning. Whew, Harry!! You guys are cooking in that heat!! So sorry. And I thought 98F was horrible. Monday chores, maybe some more peach-something. Too hot to do much, but stuff has to be done.
Have a wonderful day. Stay cool and enjoy the outdoors.
OCD - made some peach Margarita jam that we may be using for ice cream topping. I’ll give it a few weeks to gel more, just in case.
Morning all - Tuesday has arrived. Been out watering, harvesting and propping up already.
Temps going to reach 37C feels like 40C this afternoon, I shall be glad when the heat is over, that's enough now.
Work this a.m. while it's cool.

Much impressed with your jam making @OCD Chilehead and @catherinew - one thing I haven't cracked, we don't eat much jam. I would make an exception for that peach margarita jam though :D

Have a good Tuesday chilli heads - keep cool, calm, drink lots and smile even though your brain is boiling :D
Work, was able to get 1 decent stop done yesterday as the weather was not as cruel as it has been. Had a small breeze and the humidity was down. So that makes today hopefully easy as I can get to first stop at 7 as its huge and we can mow the entrance and not be around the house until 8. Where we usually have to be at the first stop at 8 then dont arrive to the big one until 930. So with no hicups we should be home around 2? Chuck i hope you have a great time camping. harry you better get that house in order so you dont get in trouble. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. We set a record of 99F, nothing like Harry’s heat. The tomatoes loved that heat and are beginning to show color - I snatched them quickly to ripen on my counter rather than in the rodent’s stomach. Only 6 tomatoes, but they’re happier next to the peaches. I’m hoping to attempt peach butter today - sounds easy, but we’ll see.
Tink, the peach margarita jam turned out great tasting. Thanks for the shout out.
Have a wonderful Tuesday. Hope the temps cool down a bit for everyone.
Good morning. It's 76F on its way to 103F and the RealFeel will be close to 120F. Another hot and humid day. My wife is back and it's returning to normal around here. Those jams and jellies sound delicious .... maybe I can convince my wife to make some. She buys jams, jellies and preserves when we travel. Hopefully her inventory is low. This morning, we're taking the big male cat to the vet for his glucose curve .... he's been on twice daily insulin shots for the past month so we'll see if it's helping him. After that I'm taking my truck to the shop for routine maintenance. Too hot to do much else. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's mostly sunny and 72F, on its way to 84F. Should be a nice day, albeit a little humid. Plan on trimming and cutting the grass today. Rain is in the forecast in a couple of days. Need to get it done before then. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe and smell the roses.
Good morning!

69 and overcast! Great working weather. Just got back from walking.

Thanks for the kind works on the jelly. Tink. All credit is due to you, Jane. Thanks again for sharing your recipe. I didn’t have enough juice to make it exact, but improvised. I have a big jar to my neighbors how shared their plums with me. I’m now thinking a pink grapefruit jelly. I don’t add any heat to this plum batch because I planned on giving the neighbors a jar. Didn’t want to make them gun shy of jelly. That would be horrible! Lol

I’m planning on having a good time camping. Well over due. I’m just checking the weather. They are saying thunder storms and lighting. I’ll be at the top of a mountain range. Nothing but lighting strikes up there. Great show from lower elevation, but I don’t think I’ll like sitting in my tent wondering if every crack and bang is going to strike me. 😂 You never know though. Don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it. 😉 Thanks, Sic.

Have a great day!


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Morning all - Hump Day is upon us and another hot one - 38C (feels like 42C) lovely jubbly.
Bring on Friday when it's cooler and raining - yes please!
Flew out of bed at the crack of dawn and managed to get a couple of hours gardening before the heat started.
So that's it for today I shall cower in the shadows and lounge in front of the fan.
Have a good Wednesday - keep cool, calm, hydrated and smile :D
So, I have a customer for the last 3 years that has played guitar his whole life and is a collector. During the pandemic like many he kinda lost himself and bought lots of stuff he didnt need as he already had all of his dream gear. Hasnt even played lots of the stuff and its starting to freak him out as he is losing space in his home. I have been trying to buy a guitar from him for several months and he wanted to sell but that compulsion of missing out has always stopped the sale on his end. He seems to have come to his senses a couple weeks ago and has arranged to let of go the guitar and several high end amps that havent been touched. Everything is fresh from the factory condition. He wants to trade me for lawn service, doesnt want any cash just his lawn mowed which is going to take me like 3 years to break even with him, which is fine with me. Its actually perfect as no cash out of pocket and Im in the neighborhood doing several others, and everything im getting has a discount price on it and I can make money selling everything and the buyer would still get it cheaper than buying from store. For example one of the combo amps is a $1100 marshall that im getting for $750 which im keeping and comes with a $200 case/stand. Supposedly Im picking this stuff up today after work, Im pretty stoked and cant wait to get this gear in my hands, Ill share a pic tomorrow if no hiccups happen.

Easy fast day, 7 quick lawns including "guitar willies" then a couple errand and picking up gear. Im playing guitar tonight, think my buddy is coming over to jam. Hope everyone has a great day. Good morning!
Good morning. It's 82F (28C) on its way to 104F (40C). RealFeel this afternoon of 120F (49C). Too hot to do much after 1000. Heading out to the garden in a few minutes to pick pods and tomatoes. My wife is already out there harvesting green bean batch #4. Not much going on after that. I might sit in the kiddos pool or run a few errands. Dropped my truck off at the shop for service yesterday morning and they delivered it back to me on the farm yesterday afternoon. How's that for service? The shop is at least a 10 mile drive from here. Got out a pork tenderloin to grill this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's sunny and 58F, on its way to 83F. Beautiful day. Decided to fire up the smoker today. Smoking a butt and some beef ribs. Should be some good eating this evening. Need to get down to the garden and pick (more) tomatoes. The first big pepper pick is coming due. The back needs to be a little better first. Nice score Sic. Hope the deal goes through and you end up with some new toys. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and eat more BBQ.
Good morning. A bit late as I overslept a bit - still at the CG before 7. Another 95F day. Picked cukes yesterday and gave them all to my son so he could make his own pickles. Also gave home garlic and dill. And peaches . . .
I have a few garden chores that can always wait, but I’m done w/peaches for a few days. Need to spend more time in the garden.
Nice guitar purchase, Sic. Do what you enjoy. Trading/bartering is one of the best ways to go.
Have a great day everyone. Stay cool and hydrated.
Morning all - Flirty Thursday is here with her whiff of weekend.
Another hot one today -although rain is forecast for this a.m. with 37C this p.m.
Then tomorrow everything changes - whooopppeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Anyway big city this a.m. for another hosp. rdv, getting a bit fed up of this - nothing serious, just a check-up.
Have a good thursday - keep cool, calm, dry loads and smile :D
Good morning. A couple more days of the stifling heat and then I think we cool down for the weekend. Right now it's 75F (24C) on its way to 105F (41C). The humidity is a tad lower than the past few days .... so the RealFeel will only be 110F (43C) this afternoon. I've got some office work to do and I've got one meeting this morning. This afternoon we will pressure can the green beans harvested yesterday. They are all snapped and ready to go. I harvested a 2 gallon bucket of cherry tomatoes and a 5 gallon bucket of very hot pods (SBs, Hab varieties, Morugas and a few Reapers). I need to figure out a plan for those as well as a large quantity of shishitos. Our large tomatoes are about done ..... it was a good year. Still harvesting bells and many of milder roasting pods including our "Pueblo and Hatch varieties" and Poblanos (which are now turning red). I've been told this weekend that I will need to fire-up the pod roaster. Going to work on the Hot Tub and the kiddos pool chemicals sometime today as well. Beverages later on .... not sure what's on this evening's menu. Be safe and be good.
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