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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning and Happy Independence Day! It's 70F on its way to 90F. Mostly cloudy, humid with showers and severe T-Storms. Flash flooding. Got another 2.1" last night/this morning and it looks like today is a total wash out. Good thing I've got a boat :banghead:! Rescued a killdeer nest on our driveway. The female thought our gravel driveway was the perfect place for her clutch of 4 eggs. I put up a barrier so they won't get crushed. Epic futzing today. Got out some steaks for this evening. Beverages will be flowing. No kids/kiddos until tomorrow. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Happy 4th! It's sunny and 77F, on its way to 85F. Calling for spotty showers this morning and a heavy thunderstorm this afternoon. It might bugger up the fireworks displays, but we really need the rain. Planted some late starts in the garden yesterday, and reseeded some skips of a cowpea on one of the trellises. The seeds are from 2010, but still getting pretty good germination. Need to run some errands today. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and enjoy the fireworks!

Edit: It's raining! :woohoo:
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Walk with the wife this morning. Going up to the bike shop for a bit and probably play guitar later on. Wife has one of her friends coming over this afternoon. to hot to sit in carport so I may end up out in my room in the barn or just have to put up with the hen pecking. Hope everyone has a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Hope your fireworks celebrations weren’t too loud. Our neighborhood was quite noisy, but stopped close to 11pm. Today is quiet and back to normal chores. The gardens are looking green, I’m still hunting Jap beetles and blister beetles - probably a losing battle - but it’s nice to throw a few into the soapy water.
Have a peaceful day, still remembering why we celebrate July 4th.
Good morning. It's sunny and 73F, on its way to 98F (RF 102F). 50% chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon. The rain yesterday didn't last for long. Barely created a temporary puddle on the driveway. I got all excited about nothing, lol. Didn't do much yesterday, other than errands. Not sure I'm gonna do much today, at least outside. Too hot. Might just have to futz around inside the house today. Hope everybody had a good 4th. Be safe out there and try to stay cool.
Good morning. It's 66F on its way to 83F. It should be a beautiful day. Yesterday was supposed to be a wash out .... it didn't rain at all. Another swing-n-miss by the WX guessers. I feel sorry for all the folks that cancelled their holiday activities. The fireworks finally ended out here at around 2330. Today, I'm working in the garden and then futzing. I plan to sit in the pool too. The kiddos will be here later this afternoon. This evening, full up farm meal with fried chicken, all the fixins' and stuff from the garden. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 76F, on its way to 95F (RF 100F). Another hot one. Pop-up thunderstorm possible. Stayed in yesterday - too hot out there. Looked into performing maintenance on the whole-house water filtration system. It's time, and it's pay the plumber $750, or do it myself. I'm contemplating, lol. Need to venture down to the garden today. Probably needs watering. Still need to fill up new raised beds - maybe today. Dunno. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and heed the heat.
Good morning. It's 65F on its way to 90F. Mostly sunny and pleasant. The kiddos are here. Picked our first cucumbers of the season yesterday. Today is mowing day but first I'm going to run a few errands. I need to make a run to the beer store and I need to get fuel for the mower. I plan to mow once the dew burns off. Futzing and sitting in the pool by mid-afternoon. I'm one week out from Canada fishing trip #1 and need to get packed and ready to go. Grilling burgers and dogs this evening. Beverages will be consumed. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. July heat is creeping back with no clouds, no rain. Grocery shopping this morning, a little seed planting at the CG tonight where we dug up the garlic. Not sure what’s in between.
Have a peaceful day, enjoy family and friends’ visits. Stay hydrated.
I'm keeping a friend's 16-year-old dog because the owner is in hospital; I got up early because she was shaking with the thunder and wanted me to be close to her.
It's always raining, summer hasn't arrived yet, and the chili peppers are tiny. But I look at the positive side, it's very comfortable in the cool. Have a nice day everyone!