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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 60F on its way to 90F. Hot and windy. Heading out in a couple hours to a potluck retirement lunch for a work colleague/soccer buddy. It should be a good time. The boss is making Mac-N-Cheese for me to take. I need to stop on the way and pick-up a nice bottle of something for him. I should be back late afternoon to resume work in the garden. Probably leftovers tonight. Not much else is going on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Still waiting on the sun, but it's 36F, heading to 78F. Yet another nice, sunny day on tap! Started processing the current ferment, and started another yesterday. Also, with the weather being so nice yesterday, I found out it was time to open the windows, vacuum, and shampoo the carpet in the bedrooms. Who knew, lol. I also found out the niece and two of her four little terrorists are swinging by for a quick visit tomorrow. Need to tidy things up, inside and out. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and hug your loved ones.
Good morning. 45-74F with lots to do at the CG in this fine weather. Yesterday we pulled the rest of the stragglers at the CG, finding the mice had eaten 99% of my beets while I was gone. They left the turnips alone - go figure. I’m hoping to plant the garlic and cover with leaves, then lay the tomato cages on the area so the leaves will stay in place. Hubby will be hauling another load to the dumpster.
Another garden day, more to do. We still have neighbor’s apples to pick, till a small space at home for garlic, deadhead flowers.
Have a wonderful day. Enjoy family and friends.
Good morning. It's 54F on its way to 76F. A little cooler today. Heading out to early vote in a little bit. After that, my wife and I are hauling all the bedroom furniture out of the main floor master to the burn pile. New furniture is being delivered this afternoon. Sic: You now have convinced me to never own any property in FL :!:. Grilling a jalapeno cream cheese stuffed pork loin this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 42-68, a bit cooler. Got the garlic planted, no leaf mulch yet. Finished picking apples, and now my shoulder is telling me I’ve done enough. For now anyway. It’s turnip-to-the-freezer day, so I’ll get those things out of the kitchen.
Enjoy your day, hug your pets, remember those less fortunate.
Good morning. The sun just crested the hill, it's 51F, and it's on its way to 67F. Cooler day today, but still nice. Got most things done yesterday. Need to do a few piddly things this morning, before niece arrives around lunch. She wants to take the little terrorists up the hill so they can climb the old fire tower. Same thing we did with her when she was little. Time does fly. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and don't over-exert yourself.
Looking at 20,000 for a new well drilled. No one can even start for over a week. Not sure what we are doing/ Filling jugs up at friends so we can flush our toilets. Probably going to go over to DR Bens for a shower today. The last month is catching up to me and im getting pretty tired. Yall be good and have a grest day. Good morning.
Good morning. It's sunny and 31F, on its way to 71F. Another pretty day. Did the fire tower thing with the niece and family yesterday. Still the same view, lol. Dinner at Cracker Barrel last night. Today, they're heading down to Luray Caverns, then stopping back by on their way home. Other than that, we have a few errands to run, then home and chill. Sic, I've always heard it costs $100 per foot to drill a well, at least around here. That's definitely no bueno. Harry, hope you get feeling better. I don't have DVT, but friends do, and it sucks. Anyway, hope everybody has a freaky good Friday, as best they can. Be safe out there and take care of yourself.
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Good morning. 31(!)-64F. When did this number creep in? Hubby tilled at home, but it’s so wet I may just leave the area ‘as is’ instead of raking. I finally cut down all the annual flowers in pots but will leave what’s in the garden alone. The birds can have the seeds.
I hope your day goes well. Take a breather, enjoy what you have, and know you are blessed.
Good morning. Made some damn good salsa verde with my tomatillo’s. Canning it up. I have a box of them that didn’t make the cut. I’ve got a tilled plot next to my house that I’ve been working this summer. I have a row where I’ll till the tomatillos into the ground. I’ll probably have tomatillos for life. lol I’ve been trying to get into a community garden for years. No openings. Just wanted to hang with other gardeners. I went up there this Summer and it was well neglected. I guess people pay and keep their spot every year and don’t do anything with it. That’s why I decided to remove a 15x50 piece of grass. Water is getting expensive and a garden will be more suited for water use. Less water actually.
Picked all my peppers. Drying some for powder and others will be purée canned.

@sicman , I hope you get some results with the well. I would definitely get a second option for that price. I’m hoping some repair and maintenance cures the problem. I’m sure all the flooding doesn’t help. Wish I knew more on the subject. Take care and say F*ck It and play guitar until your fingers bleed.