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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's sunny and 34F, on its way to 59F. Should start seeing a warming trend starting tomorrow. Brought all the houseplants inside for the Winter. Sprayed them 3 different times, hoping (in vain, I'm sure) to leave the pests outside. Need to run errands - not sure if that's today or tomorrow. If not today, probably continue processing peppers. Time to load up the dehydrator. Good to see you post Sic. I figured you've been busy as hell. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's 40F on its way to 72F. Very nice day ahead. The garden is dead with the exception of the late season lettuce that I covered with buckets. This morning, I am re-organizing our "canned goods" room per my wife's instructions. If I feel motivated, I'm going to do some more garden tear out this afternoon. The female cat has an ear infection and we have to give her ear drops twice/day. Poor thing is walking around here with her head tilted to the side. She looks like she's had a stroke or something. Apparently, cats do this for balance .... balance being extremely important for a cat .... she should straighten up in 4-6 days per the vet. I've got a failed board in my outside HP unit. Luckily, it's still under warranty. Running emergency heat now until I can get the new board installed. Grilling sausages this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Still waiting for the sun to crest the hill, it's 31F, and it's on its way to 68F. Calling for nothing but sunshine. Sounds like a great day to be outside. That's good, because today is errand day, ha. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy the outdoors.
Good morning. It's 46F on its way to 76F. Hope to get the replacement board for my HP today. That's the priority job for today. If that works out OK, I might head out to the garden for more tear out. Grilling burgers this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 28F, on its way to 71F. Sounds like the garden might be toast, but a nice day ahead. Heading out to watch the North beat up the South at Cedar Creek again. It's the 160th anniversary. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and remember our veterans.
Good morning. It’s good to be back home, but we brought some of the New England cold with us. Next week the temps should be in the 70s and I can plant garlic. CG dinner tonight so I have to get back to cooking. It was fun for a week. Traffic, not.
Have a wonderful Saturday. Keep warm and get ready for Fall activities.