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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's sunny and 47F, on its way to 80F. A tad warm, but I'm gonna enjoy it while I can. Cold is comin. Processed peppers most of the day yesterday. Started processing sriracha ferment. Will bottle today and start the next one. Plan on cutting some grass today, then more pepper processing. Grilling pork chops for dinner, with steamed fresh turnips. 91F and splitting firewood is not a good combo Harry. Be careful in that heat. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's sunny and 45F, on its way to 83F. A little warm today, but a pretty day. Processed more peppers yesterday and started another ferment. Today, is the last 80F+ day forecast in the next two weeks, so I need to make the most of it. I need to re-point the top of the chimney, and today is the day. Still need to cut the grass on the hill. Roasting some habs on the grill this evening to make hot sauce tomorrow, then grilling hamburgers while I'm at it. Hope everybody has a restful and peaceful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. 47-68F, cold weather is a-comin’. Drought here also for a month+, but that’s close to normal. We picked only 1 bucket of neighbor’s apples, hope for more today. Don’t want them to freeze while we’re gone. The green tomatoes are ripening, so out came the dehydrator for the Opalkas, hope for more red ones in a week.
Have a wonderful Sunday. Enjoy the flowers while they still have color. Stay safe.
Good morning. It's 39F on its way to 65F. Taking the wife's buggy to the shop to have a fluid leak fixed and then running a couple of errands. After that, I need to get out to the garden and harvest any remaining superhots. We might have a frost tomorrow AM. Not sure what else is going on today. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 59F, on its way to 62F. WX guessers say today is the "start of a stretch of noticeably cooler weather". I know @catherinew said cold weather is a-comin’, and I'm starting to think she's right, lol. Anyway, I actually got all the things on the list done yesterday, except mow the hill. That might make today's list. But, might have an errand or two to run first. After all that, there's always peppers to process. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and have warm thoughts (except Sic, maybe, ha).
Thanks for reminding me how much I DON'T miss Bahstun. Spent many a night there as that was where the company headquarters was located. Right across the street from Faneuil Hall. It was always cold, raining or snowing. The only thing I miss is the Italian food in the North End. Man, it is a wicked pissah! Enjoy your trip and have a great time!
Thanks for reminding me how much I DON'T miss Bahstun. Spent many a night there as that was where the company headquarters was located. Right across the street from Faneuil Hall. It was always cold, raining or snowing. The only thing I miss is the Italian food in the North End. Man, it is a wicked pissah! Enjoy your trip and have a great time!
My customer (for the past 5 years) was based out of Hanscom AFB. I spent a lot of time in Beantown during my working career. Also, when I was a kid, we spent part of each summer out on the Cape. I still am a fan of the B's.
The North End has great food for sure. We always hit the Mom & Pop small places for the best food. It’s drizzly and cloudy. Still more miles to drive. . .
Thanks for reminiscing. I love Boston for its history. That’s why we live in CO!! I hate humidity.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 42F, on its way to 52F. Chance of a shower or two this AM. Worked on processing peppers yesterday. More processing today. Need to head down to the garden today sometime. Check to see if it froze last night, and if not, pick anything left to pick. Tonight looks like a frost for sure. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and bundle up, ha.
Good morning. It's 44F on its way to 60F. Freeze warning tonight. DR: We're doing the same here. Once it warms up a bit, my wife (I bribed her with taco Tuesday lunch) and I are heading out to the garden to harvest everything and anything that's left. Futzing before and after. Be safe and be good.