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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. We had a cold front blow in yesterday afternoon, lots of debris and downed branches everywhere. We lost only 3 smaller branches from an autumn purple ash tree, but found a few from the neighbor in the flowers. Back to the CG when it warms up to rake the furrows from the tiller and plant garlic tomorrow. Glad to hear Harry’s cat was found. Nothing like losing a pet.

It looks to be a beautiful day, just a bit chilly. Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.
stupid columbus day. Ill get yalls peppers sent out today. I picked them yesterday and drove to the post office to only find locked doors. If there is any problems with them let me know. Stupid cat woke me up a hour ago not sure whats for breakfast but im hungry. errands and some chores today. have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  LOL.  My wife made the same Columbus Day mistake.  She drove into town with boxes of pods and GIP's auction sauces and the Post Office was closed.  Columbus Day is one of those under the radar holidays that you only remember if you're a government worker, work at a bank or are a school kid.
It's 49 on its way to 78.  Busy meeting schedule.  Taking some pods to a local THP'r this afternoon.  We pulled all of our remaining New Mexico type chile pods yesterday and yanked the plants.  Most of the pods are green.  More roasting and freezing I guess.  Maybe I can shoe-horn them into one of the freezers.  Not much else happening. 
Thinking about going fishing on Friday and delivering more pods on Saturday.  Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Dr. appt. this AM, garlic this afternoon, raking and weeding at home. Today marks 7 months that I’ve had my son’s cat. She seems to be part of this family now and will struggle with 2 larger dogs in charge instead of her. I’m just waiting for the ‘bring her back’ message. It looks to be a beautiful Fall day, though a bit smoky.

I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and remember those less fortunate.
Good morning.  It's 53 on its way to 83.  Looks like a freeze is in the forecast for Friday morning.  That might be the end of the garden.  Extremely busy schedule today.  Wife has to make another post office run.  Not much else happening.  Trying not to watch any "news" programs ..... people have lost their minds.  Be safe and be good.  
Good Morning.  All-day training to be a new poll worker at this upcoming election.  Thank you again Harry for all those chiles. Will be roasting the Big Jims this later this week.
Harry_Dangler said:
Trying not to watch any "news" programs ..... people have lost their minds. 
I think one of my cats found someone's.  She ran under the deck with it before I could take it away.  Oh well they probably don't even know they have lost it.
Good morning. I finished planting the garlic at the CG, and planted a few of the smaller leftovers in a pot. Not sure what to expect with the smaller ones. First shingles shot yesterday - my joints are very sore, glad the garlic is mostly done. Another cold front is coming through tomorrow. Maybe I’ll get some leaves for mulch.

I hope you have a wonderful day. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning.  It's 59 on its way to nowhere.  37 tonight.  Very busy meeting schedule today.  Today is my Friday!!!!! Harvesting pods later this afternoon.  Fishing tomorrow (if it's not too cold and windy).  Taking a drive to Topeka on Saturday to deliver some pods to some fellow THPr's.  We'll have the grandkids this weekend and that will keep the wife busy LOL.  Lots of fall chores to complete sometime this weekend.  I also need to get out and mow the leaves.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Moved a few pepper plants into the living room for a few days - I’m hoping to find a home for them to overwinter. It’s 37*F with a high temp of 55. I still have a patch of garlic to plant, maybe this weekend. Nothing much is planned for a few days, getting seeds organized and other indoor stuff.

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy. Keep those masks handy.
just working around the nursery and yard today. Maybe have another lawn to mow? Nothing else happening, still hitting 90 with terrible humidity. Have a wonderful day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 34 on its way to 63. The frost is in progress. This will most likely be the end of the garden.  I'm taking the day off from the office.  We're going to the county courthouse and advance vote this morning.  Fishing this afternoon.  Bagging seeds and prepping to deliver pods tomorrow.   Our grand daughter will be here this evening and our grandson Saturday evening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Sic - come to CO where it’s dry, little humidity, and actual seasons. I woke to 28*F temp and the heat on in the house. Luckily the only thing still growing are carrots. They say carrots get sweeter after a freeze, we shall see. Right now the fridge has too many carrots, hoping to share w/a friend. Nothing much is planned, maybe a walk in the mall if they don’t shut it down again.

I hope your day goes well. Enjoy family visits and stay healthy.
Good morning.  The garden is done.  The frost got it.  Tomorrow we'll start pulling the remaining plants.  It's 52 on its way to 73.  Heading up to Topeka in a bit to meet up with a couple of THPrs.  The bass fishing was decent yesterday .... It was a beautiful day.  The grandkids are here.  Football this afternoon.  Adult beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Weather here is like Harry’s, sort of Fall temps. Lots of errands and garden cleanup and the rest of the garlic to be planted. Yesterday I removed the last of the tomato plants that were toast, but gave me a few green fruit. The wildfire smoke has been horrible with the winds picking up today. Boulder even had a layer of ash on their cars. More restrictions due to COVID.

Find some joy in the day and stay healthy.