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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's cloudy and 74F, on its way to 86F. Chance of rain this AM, then partly sunny this afternoon. We actually got a little rain late yesterday. I was in the middle of planting turnip seeds, ha. Got around .50". We need more, just like everybody else, except maybe Sic. Not much planned for today. I like the Just Chill concept! Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and have a great day.
Good morning. It's 71F on its way to 99F. Mostly sunny and hot again. Got a text from my baby sister (the one from Colorado Springs). She's in St. Pete for a wedding ..... she's not liking this Debby thing at all .... nor the humidity. I'm mowing later this morning. My wife is pressure canning green beans. Futzing this afternoon. Shrimp boil this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Welp we got us rain with more to come. Harry your sister probably has some flooded streets as far as the humidity she has actually lucky as its been low the last couple days. She really wouldnt like it if there wasnt the storms,lol. Guess we aint doing nothing today. Yall have a great day and good morning. Took some random pics while checking for any damage this morning.
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Good morning. It's 72F on its way to 99F. Hot and sunny. Sic .... hunkering down sounds like a good idea. My sister texted me that the wedding was cancelled, and they are stuck in St. Pete for a few days. I plan on working in the garden most of the day. I need to clear out a few beds for fall planting. My wife is taking the big male cat to the vet for a glucose curve. I've got a match up in the city tonight. Probably have beverage(s) up there. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. Lots of thoughts and prayers for you all in the path of the hurricane. Sic, such beauty in your pics. Thanks for sharing them.
102F at the airport yesterday, then a bit of rain that was so very welcome. I’m on my way to the CG to deadhead all the flowers that I’ve missed this season. Too busy with veggies.
Have a safe Monday. Enjoy Mother Nature’s beauty and stay cool.
Good morning. It's sunny and 69F, on its way to 93F. A little cooler today, but the humidity is brutal. Picked and processed more tomatoes yesterday. Probably more of the same today. Also planted turnip, rutabaga and kohlrabi yesterday. I've never eaten kohlrabi, but the seeds were free, so what the heck, lol. Need to do some yard maintenance today. We might get tickled by Debby, so we need to cut, trim, etc while it's still dry. Stay safe Sic. Nice pics by the way. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.
Good morning. It's sunny and 72F, on its way to 95F (RF 103F). Another sticky one. Didn't do much yard work yesterday - too hot. Same thing for today - too hot. Need to run some errands, unfortunately. Then home and stay cool, inside. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and respect Mother Nature.
Good morning. WX has predicted a sort of monsoon coming our way in another week or so. It’s a month later than in previous years, but we’ll take it. Sunny and hot for a few more days, then more comfortable weather. Still have flowers to dig, clean up. Like Downriver, it was just too hot. We’re getting ready for a short vacation, so I need to get stuff done.
Have a terrific Tuesday. Thoughts for Sic and Sonya after the hurricane.
We are fine. Lots of rain but zero damage. Deciding if we are working today or not? Its so steamy with all the water being pulled out of the ground I just dont feel like working but thats not very responsible but also thats a perk of having your own business as long as you dont abuse it. these are just the arguments going through my head,lol. Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 76F on its way to 85F. Very pleasant with a nice North breeze. My wife just finished her last harvest of green beans. We picked approx. 24 gallons (raw) this year. When canned, that gives us inventory for several seasons. Today, I'm harvesting jalapenos, and it looks like I'll be picking apples soon. Not much else is going on. I expect futzing this afternoon. Crab Alfredo and beverages this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 72F, on its way to 86F. Chance of showers and thunderstorms. Calling for heavy rain and flooding from Debby later this week. Great. It's either all or nothing with the rain this year. Need to start prepping for another BBQ comp this weekend. Travel day is Friday, which is the day the hurricane is supposed to hit. Oh boy, can't wait for that driving adventure. Need to pick tomatoes before all this rain hits. Heading down to the garden shortly. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and keep on pickin.
Good morning. It's 67F on its way to 84F. Partly sunny and beautiful. High 70s/low 80s are forecasted for daytime highs for the next week :cheers:!!! We're planning on opening up the house for few days. That Debby looks to be a real bi*ch! Our grandson will be here today. Today, I need to pick cherry tomatoes and make a run to the beverage store. Pizza this evening. Be safe and be good.
Hope youre feeling better Jane. Its 84 at the moment with a reel feel of 91. Nice way to start the day,lol. 4 yards then Doctor bens and we will be caught up. had to buy a new weedeater yesterday so ill be breaking her in today, im so excited:banghead: Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's overcast and 72F, on its way to 77F. Chance of showers. Rained some last night - about an inch. I'm sure the garden enjoyed it. Picked a bunch of tomatoes yesterday - good thing, otherwise they would have split badly. Today is process day, then pack for trip. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and keep the muckers close by.
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Good morning. It's 69F on its way to 79F. Light rain. Great for everything. Opened up the house. Yesterday, the pasture got baled. The property looks nice and tidy. Processing more tomatoes and green beans today and running a few local errands. Futzing this afternoon. Grilling some chicken wings this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Cold front came through last night with temps 58-72F. Thanks for the well wishes, Sic. Still feeling yucky. Time to pack as we’re leaving Saturday AM.
Have a wonderful and cooler day. We will see what is ripe when we return.