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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's 74F on its way to 101F (RF 107F). Mostly sunny and hot. Running errands this morning. Taking the wife's buggy in for maintenance and then grocery shopping for my next fishing trip (leave Saturday). Probably get some lunch while I'm out. Got some mower maintenance to do this afternoon. Still haven't picked those peppers. Maybe tomorrow :rolleyes:. Beverages this afternoon. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 68F, on its way to 88F. Chance of a thunderstorm later this afternoon. Yesterday, I accomplished my goal. I did nothing, lol. Well, I did bag some dried tomato seeds, but that's about it. I did get your msg Catherine. We'll talk, 🙂. Anybody else wants any tomato seeds, just send me a msg. Anyway, I fear today may be an errand day. I haven't heard yet, but the chance is real! If not, I'll probably trim some more trees, chip/shred, etc. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be careful out there and drive safely.
Good morning. It's 75F on its way to 96F (RF 104F). Mostly sunny and hot. This morning, my wife is picking peppers and I'm gonna work on some mower repairs (which will require at least one trip to the JD dealer for parts :) ). I think I've got everything for my fishing trip .... I just need to get it all together and organized. I've got a match up in the city tonight. Not much else is happening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Looks like a nice day to dig up the last big clump of iris at the CG to divide and conquer, then I can replant and ignore them for 3 years-almost. Think I’ll futz around the home garden, finding baby flowers to share at the fall swap. Not many people attend the swap in the Fall, but we will try.
Have a great Tuesday. Enjoy your garden and share the extras. Give the pets an extra hug.
Good morning. It's sunny and 68F, on its way to 90F. Hot and sticky. No errands yesterday, so we headed to the garden to pick stuff, since there was a threat of rain. We were picking away and, all of a sudden, a thunderstorm popped up outta nowhere. Barely got the tomatoes picked and most of the dried beans. Didn't get to the peppers. Only rained about 20 minutes, but everything got soaked, including us. Anyway, today is errand day, lol. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning! It's been a little bit since I've posted in this topic. After some recent high temps, we are finally getting some cooler weather for a couple of days, and summer is definitely starting to wind down here in WNY. Laundry and book reading today, harvesting and preparing for dehydrator jail tomorrow, and then a whole lot of pepper drying is in my future.

Have a great day everyone. 😎
Good morning. Still waiting for the sun to clear the hill. It's 70F, on its way to 100F (RF 104). Some of that Midwest heat blowing in for the day. Not planning on doing much outside today in that heat. Probably finish bagging up dried tomato seeds and processing what tomatoes that got picked the other day. Tomatoes plants are about done here for the season. Blight is terrible in this area, and our garden is no exception. Might try some of the new (to me) organic bio-fungicides next year. I've heard good things about them. Anyway, hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and enjoy the fresh produce, while you can.
Good morning. It's 69F on its way to 100F (RF 106F). Mostly sunny and hot. Worked on my mower yesterday and got that done. It was a late night at the match due to WX and lightning delays. Didn't get much sleep. Running some local errands this morning. This afternoon, finishing up packing for my next Canada fishing trip. Harvesting jalapenos and tomatoes sometime today. Still got some bush beans out there too. My wife is processing bell peppers, green beans and the last of the tomatoes still left in the house. Not much else is going on. Grilling shrimp this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's 71F on its way to 97F. This should be the last day of the heat for awhile. This is going to be a harvest day. I'm thinking we've got at least a 1/2 day of harvesting. We've processed everything we had in the house. Also, I'm finalizing everything for my fishing trip. Our grandson will be here this evening. Grilling burgers and weenies. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 62-82F, comfortable for now. We had a late very brief shower last night so the garden should be prime for weeding, deadheading, cleaning. And then the dentist.
Have a fun day close to the end of working hard in the yard and garden. It’s been a challenge -
Take time for yourself and pets.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 73F, on its way to 89F. Calling for a couple of drenching thunderstorms today. Not sure what's planned for the day, but if it's outside, sounds like it better be this morning, ha. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's overcast and 70F, on its way to 82F. Calling for chance of showers and thunderstorms all day. Rained about .25" last night. Good for the garden, I guess. Looks like today will be an inside futzing day. There's always the basement to sort through, ha. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.