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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good afternoon. Meetings, CG work, and lots of weeding, digging at home. Now it’s close to lunchtime and we’re waiting for the predicted rain in 2 hours - few clouds, so maybe we’ll get some moisture tonight. Hopefully the 90F temps are elsewhere and the Japanese beetles will soon follow. “There’s always something to do.” You got that right!!
Have a great rest of the day. Take time for yourself, stay healthy, and enjoy cooler temps.
Good morning. No rain, but cool enough to get a few things done outside. The mornings are ‘just right’ to enjoy working in the garden. Tear down won’t be for another month or so, maybe a few plants at a time.
Enjoy this beautiful time of year. Stay hydrated and healthy, and don’t forget your flu shots.
Good morning. It's sunny and 57F, on its way to 80F. Yet another beautiful day. Today is the last 80F day in the forecast for the next two weeks. Might be an early Winter, :shocked:. More futzing around outside - trimming, cutting, whacking, etc. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's 66F on its way to 78F. Mostly pleasant. Fixin' to harvest the superhots this weekend. Continuing with tomato plant tear out too. Our granddaughter will be here this weekend. My wife is canning more ketchup today and snapping more green beans. I hope to sneak in a haircut sometime today. Grilling something this evening. CFB tonight. Beverages will be guzzled. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Here we go again, sunny and 56F, on its way to 77F. Lovin this weather. Yesterday, I somehow ended up processing all the "hot" peppers that had been picked so far. That took a while. Then, we made a quick trip down to the garden and picked okra and summer squash. Should have picked cukes, but it was late, and the skeeters were coming out. We'll pick them today. This is the first year we've tried planting "Fall" summer squash and cukes. They're just now hitting their stride. In the past, summer squash and cukes were a faint memory by September. Anyway, we'll pick cukes today, and probably more peppers. Hope everybody has a freaky good Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy those fresh veggies!
Good afternoon. Today was a quick water and tomato harvest at the CG. Then breakfast with our friend who is now in assisted living- which took awhile. Then we picked up baby items for our donated layettes. Our neighbor’s dog is being put down soon, so we had to say good bye. ☹️.
Lots to do inside, but our temps are cooler, so I’ll enjoy Mother Nature as long as I can.
Enjoy your Friday. Have a wonderful weekend. Hug a tree.
Good morning. It's foggy and 58F, on its way to 82F. Gonna be another pretty day. Got all the mowing and trimming done yesterday. Picked cukes and dried limas. Cukes are coming out of our ears, lol! We're making a quick trip up North today, to the 'phews. Hope to share (dump) a lot of them there. Hope everybody has a great weekend. Be safe out there.
Good morning. Cooler weather, except WX says 90F again today. At least the nights are cool. We’re finally getting our lawn replaced this coming week after use and abuse from Mother Nature. Hopefully it will last another 30 years.
Today’s a great day to save a few seeds and cut and skin tomatoes for soup. Tomorrow I’m cutting tomatoes for a big picnic, I have about 20 ready to slice.
Have a wonderful day. Take time for yourself, stay healthy.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 61F, on its way to 71F. Supposed to be partly sunny today, then rain for the next three days. Well, I guess I won't need to water the garden. Mission accomplished, dumping all the cukes and a few squash on the 'phew. We need to get down to the garden today and pick everything that needs to be picked before this rain sets in. That's gonna take a while. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Mobile home park. Wife leaves for TN tomorrow to help my mom get ready for a yard sale. I leave next week whenever I get the work week done. Its been a busy the last couple days getting things ready for her departure. Its going to be a long day and a early morning tomorrow. I think I need to have her at the airport at 6? Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. 52-82F, guess it’s time to start taking down the garden, slowly. The back lawn is slowly being removed, it was so full of weeds, so maybe we can enjoy a nice lawn again.
Enjoy your day, take time for yourself, give your pets an extra treat. Travel safe, Sic and Sonya.