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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning all. Charles has 2nd day of chemo today so we have to be there early. Coffee!!!!! He's doing pretty good so far. Hope you all have a great day.
morning all...Jackie, tell Charles I am praying for him daily...
mornin' Jason, mornin' wd...

sic...you really are sick...but can you tell me which episode of Seinfeld your avatar comes from?
mornin' all...slept in a little this morning...and first cup of coffee is going down really well...

congrats Greg on your crown my friend..
Ughh. Bad head cold came on last night - today I have a 06:35 flight to LA to deliver a presentation. FML. Get back @ 5 tonight & suppossed to go to Chez Panisse with my cousins...really want to try it so I'll be loaded up on DayQuil, B12 & Zicam.

Ughh again.
you aren't eating enough capsaicin LDHS... :)