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Greetings from Kiwi newbie, wouldn't mind a bit of advice!

Hey Everyone, My name is Tom and I hail from New Zealand. This year I have decided to try my luck at growing some chili, as well as a large variety of other veges!.. This is my first attempt at growing anything. I am growing them in makeshift pots (buckets and a storage container with holes drilled in the bottom) as my landlord isn't prepared to let me dig a proper garden on the property. It is pretty much the beginning of summer here in NZ so the plants are starting to get some decent sunlight. I Have noticed that there are many great websites and forums out there (including this one) with info on how to grow chili plants, although some of the advice has been a bit conflicting. Anyways, if anyone is willing to take a look at my pics and give me a bit of feedback it would be much appreciated! All of the plants, apart from the Super Chili were purchased partially grown. The Habanero Red and Wildfire are about a month younger than the others and the Super Chili were grown from seed and have been growing for about three months. Ive placed a lighter in the photos as a guide to how large (or small) the plants are.

Here is a pic of my tobasco: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr131/tomtomnz/M01A0153.jpg

Jelapeno: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr131/tomtomnz/M01A0154.jpg

Sweet Banana: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr131/tomtomnz/M01A0155.jpg

Habanero Red: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr131/tomtomnz/M01A0156.jpg

Wildfire: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr131/tomtomnz/M01A0157.jpg

Hungarian Yellow: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr131/tomtomnz/M01A0158.jpg

Super Chili: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr131/tomtomnz/M01A0159.jpg

And a shot of them all together with a tomato plant in background: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr131/tomtomnz/M01A0160.jpg Notice the blue thing in the background, its a toddler sized paddling pool that I'm growing other veges in haha. Not being able to dig a proper garden isn't going go stop me!

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to have a look! And I apologize if the photos turn out too big or lacking in quality!
Healthy looking plants and welcome from Fort Worth, Texas
Looks like a great start to me. But I'm in Cincinnati and will have to wait a few months to start growing plants (to put in the garden outside!)

Welcome from Newcastle Australia mate.

The plants all look strong and healthy and you have them all in good sized final pots so you should be in for a really good summer....
G'day Tom - I'm in Christchurch, where in Aoteroa are you?

A lot of kiwis are growing their own veges this year- its too expensive to buy produce now.
Hiya tomtomnz Welcome From The U.K,Nice Selection Of Plants there Buddy and Nice to see them Bright and Healthy :lol:
cheers everyone

Brokensea - I live in Palmerston North. Yeah its crazy how expensive produce is these days aye. I'm a student and can hardly afford anything, let alone produce. How ironic is it that we are constantly told that kiwis aren't eating healthy enough, yet produce is more expensive than takeaways!
Anyways, Ive heard that chili/pepper plants should be maintained the same way as tomato plants, does this mean I need to pinch out the little side shoots that develop at the base of the existing branches in the same fashion as people do with tomato plants???
tomtomnz said:
Anyways, Ive heard that chili/pepper plants should be maintained the same way as tomato plants, does this mean I need to pinch out the little side shoots that develop at the base of the existing branches in the same fashion as people do with tomato plants???
Nope. HAving grown both pepeprs and tomatoes...definitly do not treat them the same.
tomtomnz said:
Anyways, Ive heard that chili/pepper plants should be maintained the same way as tomato plants, does this mean I need to pinch out the little side shoots that develop at the base of the existing branches in the same fashion as people do with tomato plants???

I've raised hundreds of tomato plants and never pinched off sprouts.

But I haven't seen many differences between the two plants except that toms seem to need staked, whereas peppers don't. Plant them up to their bottom leaves, don't use any nitrogen ferts after six weeks of growing, don't worry about watering unless it gets real dry and real hot for more than 10 days.

tomtomnz said:
cheers everyone

Brokensea - I live in Palmerston North. Yeah its crazy how expensive produce is these days aye. I'm a student and can hardly afford anything, let alone produce. How ironic is it that we are constantly told that kiwis aren't eating healthy enough, yet produce is more expensive than takeaways!

Welcome Tom, you will find more information on all aspects of pepper growing and consumption here than you could ever imagine. It's a great community.

Looking forward to a long hot dry Canterbury summer down here.