contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Betcha Shane's is already turning color in his pods.

Slow a d steady wins the race.

Shane wen are you out of town again ?!
(Evil laugh). I know where you live!!!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Betcha Shane's is already turning color in his pods.

Slow a d steady wins the race.

Shane wen are you out of town again ?!
(Evil laugh). I know where you live!!! wanna come over? My house sitter is a sniper for Team 7...better call before you come over. Want his cell #?

You guys just keep on with that slow and steady stuff...I am still hitting the Nitrous...or Nitrogen any way. I think a few folks are holding their cards a little closer than I...willing to bet a couple folks have plants bigger...
Sheesh...I am feeling Sahara or Death Valley right now! Holy cow...three days in a row of triple digit temps out here. Gary...that is a Sweet Gum, my arch nemesis. Pool full-o-leaves piece of sheet! Landlord owns that easement, but you can't even cut a tree down without a permit out here. It does provide some much needed shade to my peppers though, so I ain't permit shopping just yet.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Wow. I regret to inform that due to the images in here. I will now start grafting my two plants together. :). Amazed at the rate of some people's grow
Hmmmmm,  you should come visit, I'll have you graft all mine together, and it would be 15+ feet instead of a bunch of 1 footers ;)
SanPatricio said:
And I will post any and all heights in inches above sea level.
OH Crap :censored: --THAT HURTS! :onfire: ,  my big mouth shot me in the foot !!
Pepper-Guru and Desert Chris both DESTROY me by my own measuring system --- DUH !!  :doh: 