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seeds growing seeds...

Gary18 said:
well then if you have quoted it you must me right..............

Lol I got tired of the argument about hrs of light so I did some research (including calling my college biology professor) a couple years ago. I came to the conclusion that while some plants need darkness, peppers aren't one of them. I still grow mine under 18/6 light since it saves money and is hard to sleep with all those lights on in my room :lol:
also just to add is 24 hour light is not natural and to me it seems like a waste of power, also in your link the pics of your plants there leaves are all curled up.
wordwiz said:

The study AJ quoted looked at production and that was the basis for not recommending lights 24 hrs per day for more than 5-7 weeks. After that, production did not increase or even fell if the plants received light for longer periods (14 for tomatoes, 20 for sweet peppers).


Wasn't arguing bout production but simply correcting the statement about plants needing darkness to grow.
Txclosetgrower said:
Lol I got tired of the argument about hrs of light so I did some research (including calling my college biology professor) a couple years ago. I came to the conclusion that while some plants need darkness, peppers aren't one of them. I still grow mine under 18/6 light since it saves money and is hard to sleep with all those lights on in my room :lol:

ok so it can be done but it doesnt look like theres much / any benefit in doing it. (is that a fair point )?
Gary18 said:
also just to add is 24 hour light is not natural and to me it seems like a waste of power, also in your link the pics of your plants there are all curled.

Lol so maybe my plants are a poor example. That was my first shot at growing peppers and I had them in shitty soil sitting on a dresser in my closet. My thumb's got a bit greener in the past 3 yrs:lol:

And again I don't keep them under 24hr light after the first couple weeks. Saves power and lets me sleep Just saying that you can.....

I think that first comment came across as me being rude sorry bout that Gary
Txclosetgrower said:
Lol so maybe my plants are a poor example. That was my first shot at growing peppers and I had them in shitty soil sitting on a dresser in my closet. My thumb's got a bit greener in the past 3 yrs:lol:

And again I don't keep them under 24hr light after the first couple weeks. Saves power and lets me sleep Just saying that you can.....

I think that first comment came across as me being rude sorry bout that Gary

its no problem i have been lead to believe that they needed sleep but its been cleared up now :lol:
In simple words - Plants use less energy when in darkness, but plants store more energy than they spend while photosynthesis.
rainbowberry said:
LOL, he'd have to calm his tongue down first. But surely the nights are more like dusk, not really daylight?
QuadShotz said:
It's ok, she doesn't like the cold all that much. ;)
Did I mention it's plenty hot here? great for err... chiles! ;)
rainbowberry said:
LOL, he'd have to calm his tongue down first. But surely the nights are more like dusk, not really daylight?

I live pretty close to the arctic circle so we only have "true" midnight sun for a couple of weeks, but if the sky is clear we have sunshine 24/7 those weeks.

The downside is that the opposite is true in the middle of winter...

The tongue stays behind the lips of you demand that, mylady;)