• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's 2013

It begins with a tray...

Hell Mill, if it weren't for you, I'd probably just think no one cared at all! But don't scare em away would ya?! You're hilarious. If I changed my handle to "whats a pepper?" do you think people would
like me more? LOL! Thanks for stopping by dude :) Now go tell everyone its ok to come back and watch me try to not screw this season up! Sheeesh.... :pray:
WAAAAAAHHHHHHH. This is WHATS A PEPPER we are talking about. Only one person has commmmmmented since he posted at 7????!!!?!?!?!!@? Great looking plants Rich.

Yeah, it just doesn't have the same ring to it.
looking nice green and lush. very sexy!! best of luck with the grow.
Glad your back from Vacay. That is some hellified growth wooowwww :onfire:
[sub]Very nice! Good luck with your 2013 season.[/sub]
Thanks guys! Feels good to be growing again. I go through withdraws durring the winter months, I swear.
Well these overcast days that open up to mostly sunny have been great for hardening off. Seedlings have been outside for 2 days here in Atlanta. Soaking up the glorious rays of our star!


Also, the grape vine seems to be doing well.


A few closeups of some seedlings.

Birgits Locoto (think this one gets an 85 gallon air pruining pot)

Indian Carbon Bhut


Trinidad Scorpion


So far, the only thing the plants have gotten is rain water and one sip of a very light worm tea :)