• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's Garden - Traveling the World in Search of Peppers

Just starting this glog now so it's one less thing to do in a few months when I'm knee deep in compost and getting things in the ground.
Not much to report at the moment. Strains yet to be determined, but I'll probably end up growing too many like always...lol
Only thing that's going on right now is a clean back patio and the chickens doing their part turning over my compost pile on the daily. Intersted in seeing how the soil microbes appreciate the added chicken poop!


Hope everyone has had a decent winter so far and here's to happy germination!

EDIT UPDATE: This glog has turned into an ongoing overwintering, greenhouse and soil building how-to!
Malarky said:
Just read the whole Guru Glog. Thanks for the great info!
couple of questions
1. Post 583 you described your cold no salt mash...sounded like you just stuck only peppers in a jar in the dark for a couple of months and then added hot vinegar/salt pinch? could you photo document your process?
2. could you link or photo doc how you sew your grow bags and what you made them out of?
1. Yes. For the most part, that's it! I actually did a video of me and the boy picking them and putting them straight into the jars off the plants. You want the natural yeasts to be on the fruit skin for this mash.

2. There are too many geotextile wholesale sites on the web, but I'll try and do some digging to find the one I used before. The sewing is a matter of using a good machine and thread. You sew the "loop" of the container first, inside out, then see the bottom circle onto the base of the loop. Pretty straight forward stuff. Just look at one you buy, and reverse engineer. :)

Well, the peppers are going into the soil as you read this today. One month later than usual but better late than never! Time for growth!

Pepper-Guru said:
Trading some peppers for this beautiful stuff this morning! 
Did you get all your plants in the ground? That's going to be a great trade. Feed the soil. I use that turn all the time now. Thanks! I picked up some mulch, that's screenings from a compost pile. Going to add that to the plants. Talked with a friend that gets a truckload of chips every couple of days, delivered for free. In going to take some work for a bunch of chips. I'll be a compost whore by the end of the season. LoL!

Thanks for sharing
OCD Chilehead said:
Did you get all your plants in the ground? That's going to be a great trade. Feed the soil. I use that turn all the time now. Thanks! I picked up some mulch, that's screenings from a compost pile. Going to add that to the plants. Talked with a friend that gets a truckload of chips every couple of days, delivered for free. In going to take some work for a bunch of chips. I'll be a compost whore by the end of the season. LoL!

Thanks for sharing
Always compost whorin' about town ! I love the reputation! 
Yes! All plants are in the ground and this guy just launched into hyper drive, he just doesn't know it yet. Growdown Serlano:
Everything lols great Rich. That cimpost/humus looks like real fertile stuff. I am trying composting and have been getting better at it, I love all the tips so far. I am about half way through that White Bullet sauce....it makes everything taste better.
Pepper-Guru said:
Thanks guys! Gonna be boring for a month or so until I start sowing seeds, but I've got some cool (non pepper stuff) planned this year too so I'll pop in every now and then to post some random stuff occasionally. Ya know, just to keep it interesting!
Thanks for noticing! They haven't given me a single egg yet but they will soon, I imagine. They are completely free range. They have a wild diet with the occasional compost scraps and spent grain from all the beer I brew. The manure should be quite good in the soil this year!
Thank you sir! Same to you!
Well, we do have 5 great months of growing season here in Atlanta but anyone who lives here will tell you, Georgia weather is constantly drunk. Very unpredicatable and just when you think you've got it pegged, it can drown your garden and bring the disease OR it can hit you with no rain for months. Its not always as pretty as it can seem in my photographs! lol I actually think we are getting snow tonight and tomorrow...lol
It is almost SPRING and I can't wait. 52 more days.... :party:
Fabric pots are awesome! Ive had good luck with them! I too intend on going organic. Or at least more organic. Thanks for sharing a soil recipe with me!
millworkman said:
I loved that book.  It is a great read.
It's a wonderful resource! A bit over the top with specific details for the average gardener though. There are really two main things the average Gardner can take away from his second book; The barrel stave analogy regarding the rule of minumums for nutrients, and the fact that everyone should have a soil test done to KNOW what your soil is doing.