• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's Garden - Traveling the World in Search of Peppers

Just starting this glog now so it's one less thing to do in a few months when I'm knee deep in compost and getting things in the ground.
Not much to report at the moment. Strains yet to be determined, but I'll probably end up growing too many like always...lol
Only thing that's going on right now is a clean back patio and the chickens doing their part turning over my compost pile on the daily. Intersted in seeing how the soil microbes appreciate the added chicken poop!


Hope everyone has had a decent winter so far and here's to happy germination!

EDIT UPDATE: This glog has turned into an ongoing overwintering, greenhouse and soil building how-to!
Awesome shots Rich, as usual! Thanks for sharing👌
Thanks everyone!

Here at the end of the trail (for me) that day in Santuario de Fauna y Flora Otun Quimbaya, I found a lone Capsicum lycianthodies. This plant was 3 meters away from Capsicum geminifolium. If not for the rather "geminifolium" looking calyx appendages, I'd say this plant was a close match to the Capsicum lycianthoides I observed in the Mindo, Ecuador region. Funny how those horn like calyx appendages of 1-3 teeth weren't present here in Colombia. Instead here Colombia, you get a 3-5 long slender, non compressed calyx appendages, just like in most geminifolium variations. Funny how that one set of traits can change so much across these mountains.





The backup trays definitely put some work in this year. I harp on the importance of always sowing more seed than you intend on planting out. This year I sowed 1000's of isolated seed for a particular cultivar I wanted to refresh stock for. Out of those 1000's of Isolated seed mass sowed in a solid 1020, I selected 18 of the "best" looking seedlings to be transplanted to one the trays you see here. Out of those 18 seedlings, only ONE SINGLE seedling was true to breed standard. Let that sink in. Selections trump isolation.

Backups Compost Dec 2024.jpg