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Harvest time

Feel free to post harvest pics in here, the more the merrier.

This is my first half decent harvest after getting dribs and drabs for the last month:


From left to right..... Afghan Long, Yellow 7Pot, Cayenne (Ring of Fire), Fatali, Jalapeno and a few measly Serranos.
They taste okay, good for just munching on as they have a bit of a crunch to them but there's not much heat until you get right up to the business end. I don't think I'll bother with them next year. I sun dried one isolated pod so if you want seeds just give me a shout. It's one of these, can't remember which one:
good looking colorful harvest SYJ....are your serranos good?.....
pepperfever said:
All those ripe pods make me hungry...my little seedlings have a LONG way to go. Great pics, great eating!

In six months I'll be saying the same thing to you. :)

AlabamaJack said:
good looking colorful harvest SYJ....are your serranos good?.....

They sure are AJ, come breakfast time these ones will be gone but I'll have plenty more very shortly. I've been waiting patiently for some serranos...mmmm.
good deal Jimmy...I love me some fresh serranos in a good omelet....
AlabamaJack said:
good deal Jimmy...I love me some fresh serranos in a good omelet....

That's the plan, how did you know??? ;) I've been waiting all summer for that serrano omelet. I have to get myself primed for the chilli festival tomorrow.
if you are getting ready for the festival, you better use all the serranos with one egg....lol

I am having an omelet this morning too but will have to settle for store bought jalapenos....
I might have to stretch it out to 2 eggs... Maybe I could top it with the 2 Yellow 7s that didn't go in the dryer. Decisions, decisions.
Today's pickings:


From left.... Afghan Long, Trinidad Scorpion, Jalapeno, Fatali, Choc Habs, Serrano, some very small 7Pot Jonah, Yellow 7Pot and Cayenne. I've had a lot of small pods ripen this week, we had a couple of cool nights recently and I think this might have something to do with it.

Trinidad Scorpion:

Choc Habs:

Yellow 7:

All the small pods are destined for the dryer, some for the freezer and some for a big pot of "non authentic chili" I've been waiting to make. Ran out a couple of weeks back and wanted to wait for some fresh hotties, unfortunately I can't wait any longer for some good size pods.
You ve got some lovely hots !! Esp choc habs and Trinidads look deadly.
Would love to bite some of them.
The pods look smaller but it does happen.

Keep growing

good looking bunch of heat Jimmy...are these sauce pods?
I have just finished slicing up and placing some of my harvest from today to go into the dehydrator. Usually I freeze them but I decided to do it this way today for no particular reason, although I am running out of room in both freezers.
The rest of my harvest has gone into the freezer which included choc habs & Fatalii and probably tomorrow I will do something with my Trinidad Scorpions and Red Savinas.

Here are some pics form my dehydrator ( The smell of the 7 Pot tray is filling the house and I cn't find the key for the window next to the dehydrator).
Excalibur Dehydrator

Yellow 7 Pots

Choc Habs(back), 7 Pots and Jonah 7 Pots (middle), Barrackpore 7 Pots (front)