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Harvest time

Nice harvest, really looking good. Did you already try the Yellow 7Pod ? I would like to know, how hot they are, for example in comparison to the 7Pod Jonah or the Fatalii.
Espechili said:
Nice harvest, really looking good. Did you already try the Yellow 7Pod ? I would like to know, how hot they are, for example in comparison to the 7Pod Jonah or the Fatalii.

The Y7 is pretty hot, hotter than Fatali but not in the same leauge as the Jonah. The Jonah kicks you square in the face but the Y7 builds slowly to give a nice well rounded heat. Don't get me wrong, the Y7 is definitely hot but the Jonahs, Bihs and TS have a league of their own. I'll chop a whole Y7 to go on a meal or half on a sandwich and get a pretty good burn.
Very cool, this is exactly what I am looking for. Something with a little bit more power than a Fatalii, but not so mind-dongling and stomach-kicking like the Jonah. Well, this makes the time to wait until ripening even harder ;)
It's been raining on and off all day so I never got around to harvesting today, but I did pick a few ripe Dorset Nagas. There were 2 birds lurking around the plant and they looked like they were preparing for mischief, so here's the rescued pods:


The flash always ruins my macro shots but when I turn it off I end up with blurred pics.
The flash makes them look brighter than they are. They look a little fake actually in that pic. These are the first decent pods I've gotten from my Dorsets, they've only recently started to set but I should have plenty soon. Lunch will be fiery tomorrow....
Beautiful peppers. I'm jealous of your awesome harvest!

SeeYouJimmy said:
The flash always ruins my macro shots but when I turn it off I end up with blurred pics.

I picked up these 3 tips for great pictures on another site: 1-use a tripod for steady, blur-free photos, 2-use the timed shutter so any wiggling that happens from your pushing the button will have time to stop before the picture starts and 3-no flash for natural looking colors.
Wow, very impressive pictures. You guys are way ahead of me. Here's my meager results which are 3 out of 4 Habaneros. I'll pick the 4th one today.


Nice harvests so far, I love the Dorset's now I think its flavour has been under rated. I love then just by themselves and try not to mix them with other peppers. I've made a few dorset jams and they seem to work well.

Looking forward to the next harvest :)
Duffman said:
Beautiful peppers. I'm jealous of your awesome harvest!

I picked up these 3 tips for great pictures on another site: 1-use a tripod for steady, blur-free photos, 2-use the timed shutter so any wiggling that happens from your pushing the button will have time to stop before the picture starts and 3-no flash for natural looking colors.
Thanks for the tips...:)
AjarnV said:
Wow, very impressive pictures. You guys are way ahead of me. Here's my meager results which are 3 out of 4 Habaneros. I'll pick the 4th one today.



Nice looking pods you have there.

Timmmy newbie said:
Nice harvests so far, I love the Dorset's now I think its flavour has been under rated. I love then just by themselves and try not to mix them with other peppers. I've made a few dorset jams and they seem to work well.

Looking forward to the next harvest :)
I just tried one actually and the flavour was quite good. I still say the Jonahs are the hottest of any that I've tried but the Dorset certainly packs some heat.

millworkman said:
Awesome harvests. I cannot wait till I get some ripe yellow 7's
If you haven't tried them before you're in for a nice surprise, Y7s rock.
Half of the daunting task ahead (note to self....space further than 2 foot next year):


After an hour and a half of back breaking labour (and thankfully not much crawling on the wet ground... although ground crawling = ripe Jonahs) here's a tribute to SS:


From left.... Afghan Long, Jalapeno, Fatali, Tabasco, Choc Hab, Yellow 7Pot, a few wee Bihs, Trinidad Scorpion, one more Dorset Naga, Cayenne and Serrano:


The JD Pepper plant only gave me one ripe pod but I'm pretty happy with the size of it......
Nice Jimmy, your patch looks like mine! I agree with the more than two foot spacing :lol: Almost need a compass and a cut lunch!
Yeah I keep looking over my shoulder, hoping I'm not being stalked by FARC Rebels.... At least the other half of the plants aren't as much trouble.
Wow great garden, if you keep your plants going over winter you might be able to just dig up every second plant and transplant them to a new garden :) There going to be big next season

Great pic's, great sized fatalii's
Timmmy newbie said:
Wow great garden, if you keep your plants going over winter you might be able to just dig up every second plant and transplant them to a new garden :) There going to be big next season

Great pic's, great sized fatalii's

Thanks Timmy, I've never had a plant survive the winter and I've been growing chillies for 5 or 6 years now so I don't expect this year to be any different. I'd try and rig up some sort of protection but I'm looking to sell up soon anyway so that would likely be a waste of time. I might still dig some up and cut back before it gets too cold and get another wardrobe rigged up with lights.