Hello (from Australia)

Hello Everyone,

I found this website the other day whilst looking for some BBQ Sauce recipes that I could use over the weekend just passed. Since then I've read a few more posts and decided I'd join what seems like a fantastic community there is here.

I've only just started growing chillis and that was only a single Purple Tiger plant, which I recently re-planted a second of which was self-sown. Further to that I've recently put in an order through The Hippy Seed Co (who I noticed is a member also) to expand my range.

I still got a lot of reading to do to catch up on whats happening around here, but my main interests are:

  1. Beer,
  2. Chillis,
  3. BBQs and Sauce
1. Is taken care of as I run www.beerguide.com.au, so hopefully everyone here can help with 2. and 3. :)

Hey bro, welcome from N.S.W., where you from? I like beer too, and bbq's,mostly the beer though!!
Have fun:P
Hello and welcome from Germany.

Enjoy your stay!

G'day mate from NSW for the second time...

Dam you Novacastian.....:P

As you have picked 3 of the most popular topic on this forum, i'm sure you will have fun.

Welcome from Fort Worth, Texas