• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!


Welcome! There's lots of knowledge and fun to have here! Believe me!

But Please don't PM me for seeds or business opportunities before you've even posted once, twice,... 30 times maybe?
It's just proper etiquette for YOU to let US get to know you, before you ask us for things.
Anyone else have feelings on this?

Peas out,

and WELCOME! to the THP!
New people should read all the old posts be fore asking questions that have been beat to death here there will be a lot less repeating of answers, most are to lazy to do so.
New people should read all the old posts be fore asking questions that have been beat to death here there will be a lot less repeating of answers, most are to lazy to do so.

I was guilty of this in the beginning and once you learn to search or dig it helps alot

As for new people requesting seeds....personal record I have seen was a new member that had joined 47 minutes before I got the PM requesting seeds. Easy to delete them.
Man, I feel bad now for asking for seeds as soon as I did :oops: . I spend most of my time on here just reading,looking, and learning so my post count hasn't risen too quickly. I'm just glad there is so much to see and learn here along with all the awesome and generous members.
NOOOOOoOOOOOOOO! I don't want you to feel bad!!!!!!!!!
I think there is a big difference between innocent 'newbie-ness' (I'm still new), and a PM asking for stuff straight away.
It's just hapend twice now where I get a Private Message from people saying they have an "exciting business opportunity",
and another guy said he "would let me send him seeds". Niether one of them had any posts at all. What the heck is that about?
I just wanted to let these brand new people know that's not cool... at least for me.
It's like those dudes that stop by your house out of the blue saying they have "extra" steaks and want to give you a deal.

Those two DO NOT represent the 5000+ members here,

You are right The Phil..."awesome and generous" X10!

Now lets go have some fun!
Do you think the new people that are doing this are really gonna read this topic?


People with bad etiquette/manners don't stop to evaluate their actions IMO. They just act on whatever base desire strikes them whenever it strikes them without consideration of the consequences. Self involved and ethnocentric to an extreme level.

Scovie, I love you brother, but you're reaching here if you think this will dissuade them. Just continue being the self evolved open minded guy with his hand on the delete key! :lol:
Scovie no offense buddy but you've only been here three months yourself so I consider you a newbie.

When you get unsolicited PM's asking you to go into business report them to the moderators. That crap ain't kosher.

Post numbers are one thing. Do some post whoring and you're numbers will grow. Thing is what kind of posts are they? Meaningful or fluff? Things like "Ooooh nice looking plants" etc. Numbers don't mean that much.
Interesting topic and replies guys. I agree with all that has been said.
I will also man up from a newbies stand point (mine) and admit I too have done one of the aboves. After about 20 30 posts? IDK.. I did ask a few well known members if they SOLD seeds, I was willing to pay any amount. I was very nice, apologized ahead of time if it came across forward or annoying and explained my love for peppers. Before I joined. I bought as many varieties online from many reputable seed dealers as I could, and I mean ANY and ALL of the superhots you can buy.. I bought. I joined THP and soon realized how many more superhots were out there that I didn't know about. I'm new to the superhot world even though I've grown peppers for years. I'm absolutely crazy about peppers. So, I figured I'd ask I mean.. Nobody else I knew had them. Other than ebay that is :lol: I didn't know that me asking soon was bad form until I spent some more time on this site and saw all the very obvious new members that joined this site for there own personal benefit or business, and in my little time here I noticed there's alot of those new members. I automatically thought maybe I had come across like that. I'm a genuine guy that really loves and joined THP for what it's meant for, being surrounded by many kind, generous, smart, helpful, and great people. It's like being part of a family :D Anyway. My point is, I do think that some new guys n gals even though genuine will make the mistakes above. Just like I had. Hell if you love peppers and hot stuff joining THP is like being a kid in a candy store! It happens. I also agree with patrick. I would rather post informative replies or growlog posts more than anything else. Either way.. Glad to be a member :)
+1 to Raelacea. I like the pepper pornage but am new enough that I don't have a lot of experienced feedback to offer. Rather than talk out my ass, I simply express my appreciation of the selected specimens/methods/sauce.

Honestly, if I post pictures of my babies, an "awesome plants man!" post would give me a warm fuzzy. :D
I've sent seeds to dozens of newbies over the years and I haven't heard back from over 90% of them once they got their seeds, although some appeared for sale on E-bay :( . These days I'm wiser and can usually identify the moochers, the cons, and the liers but I'm also very hesitant to give seeds to any newbies. It takes a lot of work to isolate and save seeds and I'd just rather give seeds to those who I know will stick around here and discuss them.
I may however donate some seeds to the next pass the parcel which is for the most part a trading system for newbies
+1 to Raelacea. I like the pepper pornage but am new enough that I don't have a lot of experienced feedback to offer. Rather than talk out my ass, I simply express my appreciation of the selected specimens/methods/sauce.

Honestly, if I post pictures of my babies, an "awesome plants man!" post would give me a warm fuzzy. :D

Aren't you always warm and fuzzy?! LOL
Brandon, one big difference for you is you offered to pay for the seeds. I don't have a problem with a new person offering to pay for something, even if they have zero posts.

What happened to Scovie, and probably the final straw for him, was a zero post person offering to "let" him send the guy seeds and the guy would grow them. Like it's a "priviledge" to send the guy seeds for him to grow. :crazy:

Re: Fluff comments-
When I post something it's nice to get a little feedback, let's me know people are looking at my post and appreciate/are interested in it. Especially the first grow log I did last year. "Fluff" comments were great and encouraging to receive. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy, too. ;)
I think forums like this give us far more options for weeding out unwanted social interactions than most other forms of social encounter. I go into a bar and some drunken clown wants to be my friend and bore the pants off me....I go to a restaurant and I have to avail myself to one side of someone's cellphone conversation during dinner....I walk down the street and there's usually some miscreant vying for my time and attention in one way or another.
With this place, I have the luxury of just switching them off. I don't have to read posts by certain people, I can just glance over them. I can delete unwanted solicitation in a flash and block people from bothering me again. If someone pisses me off, I can take them to one side privately and try to address it. These are luxuries that I don't always have in the 'real' world of social interaction. Plus, I think the moderators around here can spot someone with a self-serving agenda from a mile off, and they do a good job of protecting us from would be predators.
So I tend to think it's a great community with all the tools I need to make my time here enjoyable. I've had the "Please send me seeds" PM too, and it didn't bother me in the least, since compared with all the other chaff I filter out during a typical day at the office it's borderline nothing.
If a newbie with ulterior motives does happen upon this thread then take notice of what Scovie said, but remember that you ain't gonna bother us no matter what stupid stunt you try to pull, all you'll do is alienate yourself from a great community of potential friends.

Go Pack! :beer: