Hi everybody

Hi Guys,

I just joined here and was saying hello. My family is from Trinidad, so naturally I am a pepper crazy person. I've been growing peppers for quite some time just for the enjoyment and the flavor. Only recently have I really gotten into other varieties besides Congo and Bird peppers.

From browsing through here everyone seems very nice! :lol:

heres some pics of a very few of my trees and some peppers. (they are poor quality, it was about to storm) These are just some of my potted ones, rain began to pour and i didnt want to wet the camera!



Welcome from Fort Worth
Always great to see another Florida peppercrazy!I'm in the Tampa area,let me know if there is anything I can help you out with!
Welcome from Virginia. That yellow pod looks a lot like my Burkina Yellow Scotch Bonnet. Great flavor in those babies.