Hi Folks

This is my second attempt to post so if two show up, I apologize. I love growing peppers and I seriously considering growing some to sell as a sidline to my ag business (on a small scale to start with). I would also like to add sauces, jellies, bbq sauce, etc and adding a roaster. I currently grow chili tepins, jalapenos, sante fe grandes, pablanos, espanola chili and banana peppers. Any advice, hints, experience is welcome.
Hey there and welcome from Virginia.Best of luck and you`ve got the right place for knowledge.
Are we all saying Hello to try and encourage this person to come back concidering they have only posted once and it was over 2 months ago....

I would like to speak for gripey since he posted 1 time in 2004 thanks for the warm welcome.............note the clown
DickT said:
I would like to speak for gripey since he post 1 in 2004 thanks for the warm welcome.............note the clown


Bloody hell even I missed that one. I didn't look at the year.

:shoves his head back in the sand:
Hiya And Welcome from the U.K :lol:
