Hit 50 degrees outside today. Loving it. Snow settled 5 inches lower on the turkeys in the garden.
The Tepin x Lemon Drop (I call Temon) had a volunteer growing in the pot and when I potted up to the gallon container yesterday I was able to save it out. Now I have two mystery peppers growing. Should be either a TS Yellow or a Burgundy.
Cut back on the number of peppers I am growing this year that I have never tasted before. Too many times in the past I have put in lots of new peppers only to be disappointed in them. Of course, I found a lot of great new peppers that way too. Every new hab I am growing this year I have tried.
Anyone else kind of shy away from growing too many new varieties each season? Maybe a limit to a couple new each time?
Sort of thinking about adding the peach hab back on the list this year if I have room in the starter tray. It was a perfect hab for me last year in aroma, taste, and no bitter after taste, but with the other habs I am growing I don't think I need to grow it. But there is always room for a container here and there
My chard is growing slow once it popped up, but it is holding me off of starting peppers and onions before March 1st. I find it odd that the first bright lights chard up is the only one that hasn't put out a set of trues yet.
HBJ that I broke off most of the root ball is doing better today. Not sure what my total count on these plants are, but I need to go into the season with 15 and I think I am short of that number.
New project set up for this year are rain barrels. Seems really straight forward. The back of the truck garage has a slope to the ground. I will put in an overflow spout and run it down slope to another barrel for times of heavy rain. Once I get around to putting gutters on my work shop, I will have some rain barrels there as well.
For my drip irrigation for this year, I have a question. Is there a max length of hose going off the main line down the rows? I read somewhere that it is 15 feet. I was thinking a main line going east and west (longest distance) and then lines running north down the rows. Off of those lines I would have my 1/4 inch drip lines running to each plant.
Enjoy the weather, spring has sprung...until the weekend