How does this sound?

PhatManDerek said:

By that that's 36 year old not 40 but thanks for the compliment.

wooooooooooo stops the horse

what you mean 36 ? we're not talking about you or your age, or are you dating a 36 year old midget ?
ExtremeBurn said:
so back to the devil egg styled banana and chocolate stuffed jalapeno poppers that you'll be feeding to a 40 year old midget while sippin on some Dr. Pepper
Now your getting the idea but the dr pepper would be in with the banana mixture though.

You guys gave me some hell of a great recipe idea thread that's for sure!!!!!!

Also made me crack up.
chilehunter said:
you dont want me choosing topics :lol:
eh? They can't be all that bad, can they?

ExtremeBurn said:
so... how did you come up with banana?
You mean for the topic or for the recipe?

If its for the recipe, I thought Hey what would be a good texture, heat, sweet combo and that's what I've came up with.
I'd also liketo go outthere and state that in Australia if someone was to use a soft drink (ie pop) to marinate food in there would be some strange looks at the barby, I see it used in a bit of bbq marinades in the US I it just seems a bit wrong lol.
but each to there own.
personally I think doctor pepper tastes like bad medicine.
off track PhatMan if you want to hear a kick ass blues style Aussie band from the past look up a band called "Chain".
look at downloading an album called "Beyond the Blues" its a late sixties album I think.
those dudes are god.
Lennys just a speedfreak grandpop these days lol.