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It's relevent because you said you could ship seeds to mg for 50c. Yeah you could, but you wouldn't be paying yourself or anyone else for the time to package and send off. A business would be paying an employee or themselves for the time it takes.

I wouldn't. And should I be making money off shipping or the pepper itself? You're already paying top dollar for the seeds. Judy ships for free and has good prices for her seeds. Heck, she even throws in free seeds like Pepperjoe does. My point was that 5 dollars is a bit step for shipping seeds. I can understand charging more than 50 cents of course.

Just had a comment on price.when I placed a order for by butch t seeds to grow this year the same company also had the trinidad moruga. The moruga seeds were $30 for 10seed I think and that was without shipping I believe( I will check). I passed on the moruga being a newbie because of the price. if these people are only asking $10+$5 for shipping that sounds like a hell of a deal compared to the moruga seeds?
Hmm, that's outrageous for TS moruga seeds!

20 seeds for 8 bucks here (no charge for shipping):
Unfortunately, a lot of what you are paying for is customer dishonesty. They have to pay to put the tracking on the deliveries otherwise those few dishonest customers will just claim they never got them. So they make a little money on the shipping, but also pay a tracking premium. It sucks, but it's not always greedy businessmen that cost you money.
Unfortunately, a lot of what you are paying for is customer dishonesty. They have to pay to put the tracking on the deliveries otherwise those few dishonest customers will just claim they never got them. So they make a little money on the shipping, but also pay a tracking premium. It sucks, but it's not always greedy businessmen that cost you money.

Hit that one right on the nose.
Unfortunately, a lot of what you are paying for is customer dishonesty. They have to pay to put the tracking on the deliveries otherwise those few dishonest customers will just claim they never got them. So they make a little money on the shipping, but also pay a tracking premium. It sucks, but it's not always greedy businessmen that cost you money.

I have sold may things online and have never had any problems... probably easily of 50+ packages with no tracking.
I tell ya what I hear the flavor of things things is pretty darn good ! With more heat to come... sounds like new summer pods will follow these winter ones. With any luck that is.
From the looks of the pic they are using for the ad there seems to be quite a bit of variance in the pod shape on the plant -- so guess that pod they were using for the marketing was hand picked for the looks. - hopefully everyone wasn't hoping to get consistent looking pods with the tail.

JDFan - everyone who grows chillis knows that each pod is unique on all plants and varietys some will have tails others wont some will be smooth some will be really bumpy etc etc
Thatd another thing i dont believe. I dnot believe 10's of thousands let alone thousands of peolpe are gonna be buying these seeds. People dont grow peppers let alone supers... People want the ghost pepper and thats it usually if they do wan the hottest in the world.. This is a niche market..NIche OF a niche.

Plants > Edibles > Peppers > Ghost > Other Superhots > This
Thatd another thing i dont believe. I dnot believe 10's of thousands let alone thousands of peolpe are gonna be buying these seeds. People dont grow peppers let alone supers... People want the ghost pepper and thats it usually if they do wan the hottest in the world.. This is a niche market..NIche OF a niche.

Plants > Edibles > Peppers > Ghost > Other Superhots > This

I would ammend that list:
Plants > Edibles > Peppers > Superhots > Specific Superhot (Ghost, Butch T, This)

My experience is that people find the hots interesting then they discover superhots. Like the people that grow Giant Pumpkins, crazy looking squashes, or any other unusual plant, they want the most special. Slap "World Record" in front of it, and there will be a demand. IF it makes it into the record book they will sell out at least the first run, because some commercial growers will buy what they can, hobbyists will buy some, then when the market is flooded, demand will go down along with price. It is exactly the same for every business venture (you just can't grow your own blue ray player).
Get over it peoples!!! really for christ sakes everyone knows peppers vary from conditions and this is a marketing ploy just the same as butch t was stop falling for this shit and just buy the hots you may think you like,.,.
Seems they are touting the average instead of the max. The moruga scorpion in the CPI study averaged 1.2 million. So technically, these are hotter when you look at the average. We have no data on what the max was so we can't really comment on that. But you would think that if they had a higher max, they would go ahead and tout that as well.
Looks like HP22B aka Carolina Reaper is for sale earlier


I bought myself a pack. I'm interested in the taste on this one. If it tasted like a scorpion, i would have passed ...
What do the Guinness people use as a standard?

IMO You can't honestly call yourself the Worlds hottest if it's not recognized by them, even if their methods are inferior.

What CPI says doesn't matter, they are not The International Authority on world records.
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