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Well if you believe everything that ED is saying he mentioned that all of the peppers are maintaining a range of 200,000 SHU and then he also says that they are averaging 1.4mil SHU --- so that would mean that none of them have tested above about 1.5 to possibly 1.6 Mil (and not even that high if the lows are in the 1.3 Mil range as would be expected if they are actually remaining within that 200K range. Which is why they are marketing the Average rather than highest pod numbers !
Eather way i am still buying some. so i can try to over winter a few plants. We ALL will just have to wait and see what they look/taste like and wait on the next newest hottest pepper. Someone is always going to come out with a better,hotter pepper at some time and they will get the same reply's to there peppers as Ed and Joe are getting on this one. "someones always going to have something negative to say about anything"
Eather way i am still buying some. so i can try to over winter a few plants. We ALL will just have to wait and see what they look/taste like and wait on the next newest hottest pepper. Someone is always going to come out with a better,hotter pepper at some time and they will get the same reply's to there peppers as Ed and Joe are getting on this one. "someones always going to have something negative to say about anything"
well, yes they will always have negative things to say, if you weed out all the BS about the prices being too high, you will find a few members that are asking some great questions that will actually help these guys and the sales of their pods. all the have to do is give out some of the info and data to back up their claims, but by not doing so, its making them look like they were lying the whole time and hyping it up just to make a quick buck(not saying this is actually what they are doing........but it looks that way) i will not be buying these seeds until i see some sata and documentation backing up the claim as there are lots of HOLES in the story, such as the pods are AVE 1.4 but the varience ik 200K which does not even put the high test above the2M mark.

anyways, just my opinion as a potentail buyer, false advertisement as it stands right now.
I talked to the people at NMSU about testing hot peppers (other peoples peppers). I know of and had peppers hotter then the T.S. Morouga and Butch T but they will not test them. If it was me i would keep an open. NMSU cares about one thing and thats money to fund their pet projects. They will test if you got the big $$, they don't give a ripe if someone may have the next hottest pepper. They said i could call s.w. bio labs and they could help me. Well i don't have 15,000 to 20,000 to give a lab . I just love to grow and eat them thats it. If your the gold standard in shu testing and the chili intstitute(NOT), you think you would look at other STABLE peppers that would be hotter. So with the info i have learned(first hand) about NMSU, i will go with what Guinness says. Don't believe be? Call for yourself(575-646-3028). Sorry for the ranting, i just get fired up about this testing stuff. We have a saying down here- it's about who you know and who you blow(NMSU- still working under the good ol boy system $$$$ what have you done for me lately)
GREAT news friends i just seen where pepper joe is now offering free shipping on the new Hp22b "Carolina Reaper" seeds.

His Market place add.

His facebook page.
Fifty is a statistically small number.
They will be shipping tens of thousands of packages of a product with high demand and limited supply. That opens them up to a much greater chance of fraud.

even if you lost 1 package every so often its doesn't really matter with pepper seeds... you really only lose out of the cost of shipping.
yeah that's a discrepancy... I also heard it costs "thousands" to get a "Fast Track" review at Guinness Records, but that is just FUD. According to the Guinness website:

The Standard Application is totally free and requires 4 to 6 weeks to be processed. If your claim is of an urgent nature you are welcome to choose the Fast Track Application, which will enable you to receive a reply in only 3 working days. To find out more about Fast Track, please read this service description.
You can now Fast Track the processing of your claim at any time.

If you Fast Track the initial application or upgrade your standard claim, the cost of the service is £450 + 20% VAT (if applicable).
If you decide to Fast Track your record application at a later stage, that is, after you have sent the evidence of your attempt to us, we can review your record evidence with priority within 3 working days. This service is called Fast Reviewand the fee is £300 + 20% VAT (if applicable)
To upgrade to Fast Track or Fast Review, go on www.guinnessworldrecords.com and login. Once you have accessed the Members Area, you can choose the Fast Track option.
Please note that payment for the Fast Track services guarantees that your record application is given priority treatment to be researched and processed. It does not guarantee acceptance of your record proposal or successful verification of the evidence sent to us.
To see a list of record proposals currently not accepted by Guinness World Records please click here: Proposals not accepted
To submit a new Fast Track application, please login and select the Fast Track option.
Oh well.
Already paid and shipped from ed.

Maybe he shipped me a pod? :rofl:


All these seeds,what happened to the pods they came from?????

Powder, flakes, dried pods?

Me wants!

"Due to high demand, this product is temporarily unavailable. Please check back soon." (Seeds)

Guess you have to get them from PepperJoe for now. PuckerButt is swamped or out of stock, or the post office can't take any more volume. ;)
I will say I'm guilty of ordering the seeds. Just curious how a stated 1.474ish millions units is a new world record? As didn't the Morouga clock 2 mil? On the high side? So is the 1.474ish overall average testing? Will grow it just to see.
Oh god. now we are gonna get a slew of these people you mention coming and complainign and asking for refundsof shipping and crap...
i wish this thread and all hp threads would die until testing.. tired of seeing them at the top all the time and in the "last post at (time)" in the forum main page

As i stated before there's always going to be someone bitching about something, They aren't happy unless they are creating some kind of drama.
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