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As i stated before there's always going to be someone bitching about something, They aren't happy unless they are creating some kind of drama.

Yeah, if it is not the newest hottest pepper and the troubles it is causing, it is somebody having trouble after winning a contest, trying to contact the vendor........it is alway something.
free shipping?! daaaaamn! wish i had seen that before i bought 2 packs from his website

[background=rgb(233, 216, 193)]p.s. if you already ordered....sorry...but you have turn an offer ON and OFF and someone will always just miss it...but enjoy the $8 in Free seeds that we sent with your order![/background]
Yeah, if it is not the newest hottest pepper and the troubles it is causing, it is somebody having trouble after winning a contest, trying to contact the vendor........it is alway something.

Yawwwwwnnnnnnnnn that horse died a long time ago, why bring up BULL $h1t that has nothing to do with you or this topic? If you have a problem with me message me and i will be honored to give you all the crying room you need!

I am very sorry to Tyler and the people that are reading this topic for someone that just has to be a drama queen. I will not comment on this topic or reply to the queen anymore.
@ Aramac haven't received anything from Joe via email. Know A LOT have questioned the Morouga's tests on here due to most of them testing lower than the Bhuts. Was just saying if it is a true average, an by that I mean atleast 60% tested average this way. Which there is no proof of. Just heresay. I too stand by what Guiness rates. Just tring the new!
There probably should be at least two categories. One for the single hottest pepper pod, and one for consistently hottest strain. I could grow orange habs, and theoretically one might develop a crazy one off mutation that reaches the 2.2 Million range pod, but no one would suggest that the orange hab was the hottest pepper. A consistently hottest strain tested over a wide variety of soils and such would give you a more reliable indication of whether that particular strain is the hottest or not. That's two different, yet equally valid, standards.
I ordered some to grow out of curiousity. If they dont end up being the worlds hottest so be it as long as they taste good.
We shall see in time...
Yeah, if it is not the newest hottest pepper and the troubles it is causing, it is somebody having trouble after winning a contest, trying to contact the vendor........it is alway something.

Hmm, I never intended to cause drama or behold a grudge. I think Pepperjoe is a nice person (he is on my friend's list on here). I've seen some good customer service from him in other threads. Ed appears to be an interesting and good human being. He is working on the possible link between cancer and capsaicin (this is something that interests me as well). I have no axes to grind and dislike drama. I had some criticisms and concerns. I cannot say the price is unfair with the free shipping now. I hope to see the data come out on this pepper and the Asian decent stuff!
What do the Guinness people use as a standard?

IMO You can't honestly call yourself the Worlds hottest if it's not recognized by them, even if their methods are inferior.

What CPI says doesn't matter, they are not The International Authority on world records.
I agree. I dont believe that a pepper can get to that 2 million mark.
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