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Hydro details

Well I would say "Guess what today is?" but its Tuesday not Monday, which is when I normally post the updates assuming Im on time. So better late then never here are the updates. Everything so far is still looking great.

Here are the roots. I also noticed how little of water was left in the res. These things are getting THIRSTY. There was just enough to cover the bubble wands and that was it so I will be keeping an eye on that this week so I don't have roots that aren't in any solution.


Here is a few Saranos growing quite nicely.

Some Habanero's getting their start
The Cayenne's continuing their growth spurt and I am continuing to dump my old nutes on them and using the miracle grow.


Here is that one Manzano I took a picture of after getting rid of that dumb pigs weed.

Some other peppers.
Great pics as always crazy8.

Got to say again that your hidro plants have a VERY healthy rootball.
Are they producing already or what?
Keep up the good job.

Great pics as always crazy8.

Got to say again that your hidro plants have a VERY healthy rootball.
Are they producing already or what?
Keep up the good job.


Yes they are producing. If you look at the 3rd and 4th pic of this update you will see the Serrano Peppers and the beginnings of one of the Habanaro plants.

ABurningMouth said:
Yeah those roots look tops.
:idea: Go ahead and pot up that manzano at the end of the season and move it to your new home with you ay?

Well I would like to pot up a few of them when I move but like I said we will just have to wait and see on the timing of everything. If we are unable to get into the house until next spring, which is when we also plan to have our wedding so lets hope that's not the case, then I may wait and just start off the seeds so I have fresh seedlings when we move. :D
Well we meet once again. It is WEEK 9 and there is once again a lot of cool things going on. So on with the pictures.

Check out them roots. Im thinking I am going to try to keep this going as longs as possible.

And a distant shot.

Here are some good looking Habs starting to mature.

The Sarano's

See the Sarano in the middle? Look at the top right of that pepper and you will see a "growth" This pepper in the midle has what I am calling a weaker siamese twin. Ill try to get a better pic of it as it gets bigger its very interesting.
The last of the hydro plants we have the starts of some Yello Peter Peppers.

Now the cayennes that are doing so amazing this year. I am still dumping the old nute in here when I do my changing and feeding them Miracle Grow. Look at all them pods.



Hope you all enjoyed.
Lookin good brotha!! Those roots are sweet! Mine are about that size,. Time to trim them as I can't fit the usual ammount of nutes in the bucket anymore.
Well I am still doing about 3.5gal so as soon as the nutes flow out as I place the plants back in, will be when I decide to trim...lol
Well I looked at them today and I got some pods just starting to turn and pods just booming all over. Stay tuned for next week. Im glad you enjoyed it this far.
Hey crazy8

Glad to see that your plants are going insane and giving you lots of pods.

Its been great seing your progress.

Well my fiance and I have a house we are placing an offer for on Sunday and if we get it, it has a HUGE work bench and I think about 6' or so of it is BEGGING for an ebb and flow system to be built on it. I also have a nice little spot under the stairs in the basement perfect for getting some plants started and having them out of the way. This was my first attempt and I want to see how it would go. So since it has been going so awesome I will upgrading to a much bigger setup with more plants. :D

I made an image in my 3D program. This is just a general idea but it should work very nicely.
Well some of you may have (or may not have) noticed that it is Tuesday and I don't have pics up. Well that's the bad news. The good news is that its because my fiance and I were doing a second walk through on a home and later last night placed an offer on it. We wont know for a week if its accepted or not but thats why there are no pics up. I do however plan on taking some tonight for you all. I have a lot of pods and some real nice fat ones to. So thank you for your cooperation and I will try to get those pics up later tonight.
Well it is now WEEK 11 and if you have been fallowing closely you would have noticed we missed a week. Well all my plants are still amazing me and doing a wonderful job. So I will not hold you back any longer from the wonderful pepper porn.

Here is a nice shot of a cluster of HUGE Orange Habs. These things appear to be bigger then what I can get at my local Cub Foods. Dont worry when they are ripe I will be verifying that and posting a pic.

And another shot of the same bunch.

These are the Red Savinas

And the Yellow Peter Peppers.
I dont recall if I ever mentioned much earlier in the thread about the Serrano Pepper that had something like a siamese twin and this is what it looks like now.

Close up

And just some shots of all the cayenne's I have. Man I hope I can get plants to do this or better in the years to come.


Well I hope the wait was worth it and that you all enjoy the pics as much as I do taking them. Until next week.
One thing I am wondering for my next systems I build is regarding the pump and airstone. Now I think I know the answer as it does seem kind of like a no brainer but just to be sure I am going to ask anyway. I want to build a few 5gal DWC buckets. I figured I would use some of those round/circular airstones like these ones or even these, depending what I can find locally. So my questions is this. Does the amount of bubbles coming out all depend on the stones them selves or the pump pushing it? My thought would be the pump because the bigger the pump then the more it will be driving for air. I figure that the current set up I have could use a little more oxygen but in a 5gal it should probably be even more than what is in my 3gal.
Well here is the update for WEEK 12. I'm only posting 3 pics but that's only because not a whole lot has changed since last week. I'm still waiting on pods to ripen, my plants have popped new pods, and plants are still looking great. Probably the one kinda cool thing that happened and doesn't involve the hydroponic setup would be that my Manzano has bloomed some beautiful looking purple flowers, so that should be setting fruit soon. So here are the pictures I did take.

Here is that root ball. Surprisingly it didn't drink ALL the nutes this time but the last times may have also been due to humidity and the plants then being VERY thirsty. Its going to be interesting to see if I can contain this beast in the same container all season.

Here we are waiting for the Red Savina's to ripen. But man they are looking nice and big.

Lastly we have the Orange Habs which also look quite large compared to what I am used to seeing in the grocery stores. Cant wait for these to ripen so I can try one for the first time.

Are these species known for taking a long time to ripen? My cayenne's are ripening like mad right now but everything in my hydro is taking a bit longer so far. Is there anything I can do to speed it up? I live in Minnesota so naturally im worried about trying to get as much as I can before winter comes...lol

Hope you all enjoyed. Sorry the pics didn't turn out quite as good.