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extreme-heat I have aquired some pure 16 crystals ... how shall I eat them??

bentalphanerd said:
it couldn't be poisonous - well not in a toxic way anyhow.

well i don't mean poisons, just other stuff you wouldn't want to ingest. like shayne posted about the bear spray..perhaps it could have a very unpleasant flavor rather than only a severe burn. :?:

probably wouldn't try it anyway. since we're on the subject..i have tasered myself before. not the ones that shoot the hooks out..just a hand held one. :shocked:
At my cafe takeaway we get alot of cops and offtherecord I know of a few cops who have sprayed it on pizza. Standard Oz cop spray is pretty straight up cap with a special dye which glows under special light to point out whos been sprayed and who hasn't.
standard spray in oz is 1million scorvilles,special op cops 2million. I've tasted it its hot and I'm glad I never got it sprayed in the face. And I pitt all you guys in the US who get the 5 million strenght.
xgrafcorex said:
probably wouldn't try it anyway. since we're on the subject..i have tasered myself before. not the ones that shoot the hooks out..just a hand held one. :shocked:

Ok, I'll bite.

Hot Canuck said:
He wanted to see what it felt like to be a Bills fan....

:lol: or a dolphan.

well, i guess it was a mixture of curiosity and a little bit of alcohol. surprisingly little alcohol, probably just enough to make me say "what the hell, i'll give it a go." :rolleyes: it feels like two needles rapidly jabbing you, and i did it through my pants/pocket onto my thigh. i'm sure it feels great on the face or neck.
The bear spray is too funny!

Shayne you have got some brass ones!

shayneyasinski said:
funny story about that ...
I was at a local bar one night having a few and on my way home I stop at the hot dog guy and buy a couple dogs .
I asked a cop that was sitting in his car if I could get a little spray to try and he declined.
3 weeks later my 16 ounce can of bear repellant came in the mail and off to the bar I went to get the hot dog guy to also try some spray on a dog.
well lets just say it is not to be eaten as it tastes like ass of roadkill and is no hotter than a sauce like tabasco or maybe a bit hotter .
keep in mind any hot sauce sprayed in your eyes will take you down.
Oh, I forgot to mention...


It takes major balls to try something so potent.

Just take it easy with the next bash... it may be up to standards:mouthonfire:

On a side note: :mouthonfire: looks like a Dragonball Z character...
thanks for all the encouragement .
I am now in a position where I have to eat pure 16 no matter what .
I have to say that the feeling of this is like the feeling I get when I am at a theam parks biggest coaster and its my turn to ride .
I am not just dropping a crystal into my mouth and hoping for the best I am doing it in stages so I am sure I wont feel like i do when I am having a few beer and out comes the black mamba and I eat a teaspoon to impress the girls... thats stupid hot.
I am hoping that pure 16 can be diluted in a base of vinagar so I can add heat to chili ect without changing the taste.
Now I am a fan of alot of sauces and I owe that to all of you and your posts on what you like so I buy it and try it.
this whole deal with the pure 16 is all happening because of the story I read about the tomatoe soup and it being to hot with one tiny crystal.
I just have to feel that heat .
again ..

will the crystal be soluble in vinegar? my guess is that you'll need to use oil or something oil based so it will dissolve/disperse evenly - purecap is suspended in oil, maybe you could use olive or peanut oil???
Vinegar is mostly water, so I would say vinegar solubility is a long shot. If you've taken an intro chemistry class, you've probably heard the phrase "like dissolves like". Water and capsacinoids are quite different, you need something less polar that you would still be willing to digest, so oil would fill both of those requirements. If you really want to dissolve it in a minimal amount of solvent, go for benzene; but I'm telling you from personal experiece that stuff tastes nasty, as do most common organic solvents.
Shayne at this stage I think you should just get the most rediculiously tiny partcle you can find, crush it in a mortor or similiar with maybe a pinch of salt or pepper then add this to a bowl of soup or simiar. then eat and burn lol
I think your mad
but in a funny hah ha look at that way.

I was looking at people eating fresh habs tonight in competitions on You tube absolutely hillarious in the same way.
