• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jason's (Plantguy76) 2015 Adventure

So this is my first glog other then the one I am doing at home.
Here's my grow list
Grow List
Capsicum Chinense varieties
Bahamian Goat(Buckeye pepper company)
Moa Scotch Bonnet(pepperlover)
White Fatalii(pepperlover)
My first super hot form seed Peach Bhut Jolokia S S (pepperlover)
Red Mushroom form lake valley seed via local store(I think there seeds are crossed with habanero)
Red Habanero burpee via menards
Cheiro Roxa (pepperlover)
Stuffing Scotch Bonnet (pepperlover)
Capsicum Baccatums
Aji Brazilian Starfish(pepperlover)
Aji Melocoton(pepperlover)
Aji Amarilo (pepperlover)
Aji Cito(pepperlover)
Dulce Sol(pepperlover)
Capsicum Pubescens
Pineapple Rocoto(pepperlover)
Farmers Market aka Potato Skin Jalapeno
Fresno Chili
Santa Fe Grande
Cayenne long Slim lake valley via local store.
Cumra Cherry(pepperlover)
Gold Medal
Japanese Black Trifle
Green Zebra
Golden San Marzano Hybrid Tomato
Chocolate cherry
Purple pear
Black Sea Man Tomato
Flower Swimming Pool raised beds for pollination & beneficial insects
Mixed bed varieties
Queen mixed colors cleome
Crego aster
Calendula pacific beauty
African daisy
Swimming pool bed Dwarf shasta daisy
Swimming pool bed Zinnia semi dwarf pumila mixed colors & Scarlet flame zinnia
Swimming pool bed unknown Cosmos(gets huge blooms like crazy a bird gift)
Swimming pool bed Marigold Dwarf French double and crackerjack mixed colors last year self sown seed
Cosmos dazzler in pots
Tall green leaf castor bean container
Scarlett runner bean by deck
Also plan on ordering form baker creek tamarillo or tree tomato seeds
I planted on February 4 and 5 my capsicum chinense's & baccatum's varieties
Still waiting on some and some have not germinate well the baccatum's did well.
Also my Bahamian Goats but waiting on the Bhut Jolokia Peach S S ,Tobago Seasoning and Pineapple Rocoto
The datil only two all and all can't complain .
I have limited space so maybe those that did not germinate is a blessing in disguise.
In any case will sow seed again Monday if the ghost is not up form the grave so to speak lol
Going to soak them next time
Sorry to read about some of your plants not making it. I'm still learning that too, about transplant shock and hardening off. That's why I started too many seeds this year. Only 6 out of 100+plants have died. Now to find some homes for alot of them. Lol! Good Luck!
Beefsteak tomatoes
Gold Medal
Brandywine red
Medium tomatoes
Black Sea Man or Black Sailer
Paul Robeson
Japanese Black Trifele or Black Truffle
Amish Gold Slicer
Small tomatoes
Matt's wild cherry
Warren's Yellow Cherry
Purple pear
Purple Tomatillo
Pineapple Tomatillo or Pineapple Husk tomato
To be sowed Golden San Marzano hybrid & Giant red mustard
Peppers tentatively Black Habanero, Galapagos Habanero, Possibly red&yellow Congo's ,Hawaii Beach,Scarlet Lantern,Angkor Sunrise, more aji Brazilian starfish , white fantasy or some other baccatum
socalgardengal said:
Sorry to read about some of your plants not making it. I'm still learning that too, about transplant shock and hardening off. That's why I started too many seeds this year. Only 6 out of 100+plants have died. Now to find some homes for alot of them. Lol! Good Luck!
Thanks  Christine its fine it makes way for the others I am sowing more peppers soon and I might sow more Aji Amarillo I know that I will the Aji Starfish( I have seeds form Wicked Mike  Aji Pineapple ,Aji White Fantasy going to sow some Black Habanero & Galapagos Habanero ,Sbj7 & maybe red & yellow congo's  all form wicked mike) junglerain Hawaii Beach ,Scarlet Lantern & Angkor Sunrise 
I am waiting for cream fatalii form cone9 I should get them soon today or tomorrow I figure.
All that said its all I need to be selective lol
PaulG said:
Great progress, Jason.  Won't be long until
you are working in a garden jungle!
PaulG said:
Great progress, Jason.  Won't be long until
you are working in a garden jungle!
Paul I certainly hope it's a garden Jungle that's what I am going for :!:  :rofl:
Wow that's a lot of tomatoes! How many of each of those will you grow out? I don't like tomatoes by themselves enough to grow that many. Or at least I haven't tried enough I guess. Do you use certain ones for particular sauces or just slice them up or eat them whole?
Hi Jason,
I'm sorry to read about your loss.
I use two methods:
If the weather is right I'll place plants with just coty's outside; they do just fine.
The rest I wait until they're sporting their 3rd set of true leaves (or more) and I put them in a place where they don't get 100% sunlight and use a sunshade (you can use window screens) for a week. Then I start removing them more and more until they can handle full sun. A few always get burned, but it's just a few silver looking leaves.
I grow a ton of maters too, and I'm not a fan of eating them unless they're cooked down into spaghetti sauce. ;)
Wishing you continued success!
Great tomato list.  I'm way behind on getting mine started.  I like them raw, sauced, juiced, dried (on pizza), pretty much any way I've ever had them.  Guess I'm a 'mater addict.
Ozzy2001 said:
Wow that's a lot of tomatoes! How many of each of those will you grow out? I don't like tomatoes by themselves enough to grow that many. Or at least I haven't tried enough I guess. Do you use certain ones for particular sauces or just slice them up or eat them whole?
Most of these I am trying out for the first time.
I used the green zebra last year in salsa.
The golden Roma hybrid will be used in salsa & sauce I will give some to a friend of mine.
I grew chocolate cherry last year but looking at bakers creek I seen it was really black plum.
I also grew black prince was not impressied with them more like black toade lol
Sawyer said:
Great tomato list.  I'm way behind on getting mine started.  I like them raw, sauced, juiced, dried (on pizza), pretty much any way I've ever had them.  Guess I'm a 'mater addict.
Thank you John hope they all grow well for me .
Ozzy2001 said:
Sliced right on pizza is soooo good.
I should have some good tomatoes for home made sauce and those stuffing scotch bonnets should be perfect on a pizza along with some of the other tomatoes great ideals
Devv said:
Hi Jason,
I'm sorry to read about your loss.
I use two methods:
If the weather is right I'll place plants with just coty's outside; they do just fine.
The rest I wait until they're sporting their 3rd set of true leaves (or more) and I put them in a place where they don't get 100% sunlight and use a sunshade (you can use window screens) for a week. Then I start removing them more and more until they can handle full sun. A few always get burned, but it's just a few silver looking leaves.
I grow a ton of maters too, and I'm not a fan of eating them unless they're cooked down into spaghetti sauce. ;)
Wishing you continued success!
Thanks scott these are geminating right now should be just perfect when I can plant out.
Going to sow some more peppers soon ether tonight or tomorrow probably tomorrow cause I did some more prep work outside I am tired .
It is storming here now and some rain in the morning
I just started a lot of tomatoes also, way more than I will have room for.  Will need to get it down to 12 or 14 varieties and fine adoptive homes for the rest. Looking forward to Paul Robeson this year, been reading lot of great things about that one.

I did four flats tonight I am now at maximum capacity pushing it really .
I did not get to some varieties I wanted they will have to wait till next year.
Thank you to everyone who has given me seed of there varieties.
Aalbanian red hot Judy seed via Nigel
Potato Skin Jalapeño pepperlover
Fresno Chili local store
Santa Fe Grande local store
Black Hungarian Cone9
Hawaii Beach junglerain
Scarlet Lantern junglerain
Angkor Sunrise junglerain
Golden San Marzano hybrid
Chocolate Cherry
Sb7j wicked mike
Black Habanero wicked mike
Galapagos Red Habanero PI 585278 wicked mike
Venezuelan Tiger wicked mike
Cream Fatalii Cone9
Queen Laurie Cone9

White Fatalii


Bahamain Goat

Cherio Roxa ( last one recovering form shock)

Aji Brazilian Starfish

Stuffing Scotch Bonnet

Yellow Moa Scotch Bonnet
So that's a few pics of my plants the two Aji Melocoton are recovering fine I have lost a few stuffing scotch bonnets ether to damping of or weakness .
The two pineapple rocoto are ok but are not crazy about the temp in that room so might move them back to the my four tier greenhouse .

Peach Bhut Jolokia Selected Strain
I forgot to mention that I have 3 red moa seeds germinating in the greenhouse form wicked mike I will know in a few more days I guess
Think I am going to share some of the yellows and if I get good germination some sb7j with my chili head buddy in Scott city
That would be cool will be happy to share so far it looks like the only one to germinate out of the 3 seeds wicked mike gave me.
So I will probably put this one in a container and over winter it along with some other selected plants around that time.
I transplanted my Bahamian Goats today also the other 3 white fatalii there far behind the one in a pot but if there anything like the other they will catch up soon.
The Bahamian goat pics are in the Bahamian Goat Community Glog
I have moved the tomatoes into my four tier greenhouse only peppers lift in there are the peach Congo's and the red moas
I checked the other two it looks like they are going germinate unless something happens. (Hoping for no helmet heads)
I now have 3 red moa scotch bonnets out of the 3 seeds wicked mike gave me 100% germination :woohoo: 
I checked plant room 2 today & got queen laurie, scarlet lantern, potato skin jalapeno & black habanero seedlings coming up :dance: 
I hope I get some sb7js germinate but even if nothing else did I am good ;) 

Got a Albanian red hot Judy's seed by Nigel
Can't do better than 100%!  Assuming your potato skin jalapeno is the same as Judy's Farmer's Jalapeno, you should get good germination on those, too.  I had 6 of 6 come up.  I had only 2 of 6 Albanian Red Hot come up.